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She looked hard at it, then she pulled her black braid over her shoulder and felt of the hard shoe-string knot, and frowned with an ugly frown of envy and bitterest injury, and asked herself the world-wide and world-old question as to the why of inequality, and, though it was based on such trivialities as blue ribbons and shoe-strings, it was none the less vital to her mind.

Her matted hair was bound in two disheveled braids around her head and secured with a piece of shoe-string. Her dirty round face was lighted up by a pair of dancing blue eyes, in which just now blazed the unholy light of conflict. The feud between the Calvary Micks and the choir boys was an ancient one, carried on from one generation to another and gaining prestige with age.

She was very short and very fat, and her kinky hair was plaited into ten tight pigtails, each of which was bound with a piece of leather shoe-string. At present she sat with her back propped against the door, her mouth wide open, and slept peacefully while the flood of her mother's wrath passed over her.

Why, Daisy, when a fellow has left his shoe-string untied, or something or other like that, they put him on extra guard duty to punish him." "Did you ever do so, Preston?" "Did I ever do so?" he repeated savagely. "Do you think I have been raised like a Yankee, to take care of my shoes? That Blunt is just fit to stand behind a counter and measure inches!"

You would not have cut me intentionally, would you?" "I should say not. You walked past here?" "Yes, you were tying her shoe-string." "What!" exclaimed he, starting to his feet, "tying Grace's shoe-string?" The first thought that rushed to his mind was that Veath had knelt to plead his love to Grace Vernon. "Lady Huntingford, let us walk," he exclaimed.

Betty was walking away as fast as she could, and she answered: "Miss, I can't stop to talk it has begun to rain behind us on the hills; we shall have it in no time; and there is no house this way to run into." "O la! Betty," cried Miss Bessy next; "my shoe-string is unpinned: do, for pity, lend me a big pin." "Why, Miss," said Betty, "sure you don't pin your shoe-strings?"

It was under these circumstances, they say, that he was censured by a shoemaker for having represented the shoes with one shoe-string too little.

Most of the doctors used herbs from the woods and "Aunt Jane" and "Uncle Bob" were known for using "Samson's Snake Root," "Devil's shoe-string" for stomach troubles and "low-bud Myrtle" for fevers; that's good now, chile, if you can get it.

For no reason that ever she discovered, 'twas just as she passed the first of these that her shoe-string came untied, and she sat down by the hedge to tie it; and here in tying it she broke the lace, and, while mending it, looked up into Phoby Geen's face that had come round the corner like the sneak he was and pulled up as foolish as a sheep.

No cuffs and no collar could this costume boast, but she had shown the inclination to finery characteristic of her age and sex by wearing around her throat, where the yellow hue of her dress met the creamy tint of her skin, a row of large black beads, threaded upon a shoe-string in default of an elastic, the brass ends flaunting brazenly enough among them.