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Keebil, too, an old Southern relic, his head covered with suds of gray astrakhan and a laugh like the up and down of rusty bedsprings, for ten years had presided over the hirsute destinies of Lilly and her mother. Bi-monthly he arrived on his shampooing mission, often making a day's tour throughout the boarding house. "Mr. Keebil, don't you do the Kembles' heads first to-day.

We generally, when asked if a "change" would not be good in such cases, reply, "Yes, if once you have got health enough to enjoy it." When that has been fairly secured, stronger measures may be used with advantage. We feel much sympathy with those who suffer from sensitiveness, as so many do, and earnestly pray that these remarks may be blessed to such sufferers. Shampooing. See Head, Soaping.

If your bits aren't easy, rear, and let the saises know whether your boots are tight." Each pony had his sais, his groom, who lived and ate and slept with the animal, and had betted a good deal more than he could afford on the result of the game. There was no chance of anything going wrong, but to make sure, each sais was shampooing the legs of his pony to the last minute.

"You thought, I suppose," observed Jerrold with a grin, "that you'd have a nice bath-room and a shampooing establishment for your accommodation eh?"

"He should be well acquainted with the secret springs of action, as I have proved myself to be in the shampooing which your sublime highness has just received." "Very true, Mustapha." "Moreover, he should be ever grateful to your highness for the distinguished honour conferred upon him." "All that you say is very true, Mustapha, but where am I to meet with such a man?"

"All right; you call it rubbish. That's the way of the world. Chap's dying; doctor gives him the right stuff, and pulls him round; and he says: `Physic? Rubbish! I should have got right by myself." "I wasn't talking about doctors," said Dick, "but of you and your shampooing."

It is perfectly idle to endeavor to avoid it by measures directed toward the protection of the lung or of the air-passages, and equally futile to attempt to arrest its course by treatment directed to the lung, or even the chest. The best place to wear a chest-protector is on the soles of the feet, and poulticing the chest for pneumonia is about as effective as shampooing the scalp for brain-fag.

Considerably more light is required in the lavatoria and shampooing rooms. In scheming the plan of bath rooms in a basement, where daylight can only be obtained at one point, it is desirable, if practicable, to arrange the shampooing room so that it may enjoy the benefit of this light.

The fellow came down flat on his face, but the skin was not pierced, and no bone was broken. His comrades gave him a brisk shampooing, and in a week he was as well as ever. The border country passed, the natives grew more friendly, and gladly supplied all the wants of the travelers.

Each set of rooms for the ladies' and gentlemen's Turkish baths comprises undressing room and cooling room, two sudorific chambers, shampooing room, douche room with cold plunge bath, and a separate chamber with warm plunge. Adjoining the shampooing room are the warm and hot rooms of the Russian bath.