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At all events, fasting and purifications were a sure sign that serious affairs were in process of development, and such proceedings on the part of some of the nashtio could not fail to produce results the opposite of what the shaman had intended.

I was once a moose, and my father's father afterward became a bear so said the shaman, and the shaman cannot lie. Thus, on the Trail of the Gods we pass from life to life, and the gods know only and understand. Dreams and the shadows of dreams be memories, nothing more, and the dog, whining asleep in the sun-warmth, doubtless sees and remembers things gone before. Bash, there, was a warrior once.

The formulas therefor are the special property of the medicine-men, whom we shall hereafter designate with the much more appropriate name of Shamans. The shaman is wizard and physician at the same time. He is also a prophet, augur, and oracle. His duty it is not only to protect from evil, but to counteract it.

That accomplice he readily found in the old Koshare Naua. In the same manner that Tyope aspired to the position of war-chief, the chief of the Delight Makers was coveting the rank of leading shaman, or medicine-man.

It is the word of Klok-No-Ton, devil-seeker and driver of devils!" He had been minded to assemble them at Hooniah's house, but it was necessary that all should be present, and he was doubtful of Sime's obedience and did not wish trouble. Sime was a good man to let alone, his judgment ran, and withal, a bad one for the health of any shaman.

It was rich, but I made it richer by playing unbeknowing. "'What's the row? I asks. 'Who's getting married now? "'Chief George, the shaman says, ducking his reverence to him. "'Thought he had two klooches. "'Him takum more, three, with another duck. "'Oh! And I turned away as though it didn't interest me. "But this wouldn't do, and everybody begins singing out, 'Killisnoo! Killisnoo!

So he stood still and turned to the shaman, saying, "Nashtio yaya, the night will soon be over, and the sun may come out from behind the mountain in the east." "Ko," grunted the medicine-man. "It is far yet to the houses of the Moshome Tehua." The Chayan stood still. "Sa uishe nashtio," said he, "the Shiuana direct us to go on a different road. I saw an owl fly toward the moon.

There are naturally contradictory opinions on such a subject as to what constitutes the morality of magic. The old Shaman or Manitou regarded witchcraft as wicked. The Roman Catholic has taught the Indian that all sorceries and spells except his own are of the devil. Hence it came that I got from two Passamaquoddy Indians, next-door neighbors, the following opinions: Tomah.

The shaman's hand went up, silencing both of them. "You are who?" Like Kaydessa, Menlik spoke a heavily accented English. "I am Travis Fox, of the Apaches." "The Apaches," the shaman repeated. "You are of the West, the American West, then." "You know much, man of spirit talk." "One remembers. At times one remembers," Menlik answered almost absently.

The most powerful wizards are they whose external souls have the shape of stallions, elks, black bears, eagles, or boars. Again, the Samoyeds of the Turukhinsk region hold that every shaman has a familiar spirit in the shape of a boar, which he leads about by a magic belt.