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I no longer have the same fear for myself of my secret's being found out, for since my wife's death I have gradually dropped out of social life; but there is nothing I would not suffer to keep the brand from being placed upon them. It is difficult for me to analyze my feelings concerning my present position in the world.

"A bargain?" grumbled the spy. "I' faith, then, the secret's worthless." "Ye think that? Pho! 'Tis not like your usual wit, Mr. Green. The letter that I carried into England, and that you were at such splendid pains to find at Maidstone, is in here." And he tapped the veneered top of the secretaire with his forefinger. "But ye'll not find it without my help.

"Why, all the about them there is, is that when they were here they taught us to make beer out of the heath, and the secret's in my family ever since." "Will you give a body a taste of your beer?" said Tom. "I'll tell you what it is, young man, it would be fitter for you to be looking after your father's property than to be bothering decent quiet people with your foolish questions.

'A secret's nothing when you've found it out. Look at the secret staircase. It's no good, not even for hide-and-seek, because of its squeaking. I'd rather have the pot of gold we used to dig for when we were little. It was really only last year, but you seem to grow old very quickly after you have once passed the prime of your youth, which is at ten, I believe.

Misset broke into the room with a face as discomposed as Gaydon's had been. "Here's another who has heard the same rumour," said Wogan. "It is more than a rumour," said Misset. "It is an order, and most peremptory, from the Court of France, forbidding any officer of Dillon's regiment to be absent for more than twenty-four hours from his duties on pain of being broke. Our secret's out.

He hurried away to avoid questions, muttering to himself as he went: "She's dying to know. But a secret's a secret. She sha'n't know that I am to be a witness." Mrs. Van Truder pondered long and deeply, but she was not well enough acquainted with all of the facts to hazard a guess as to who the girl might be.

I don't think they can pay, and yet they're just the sort of folk to have their minds easier for wearing mourning. There's only one thing I dislike making black for, it does so hurt the eyes." Margaret put down her work with a sigh, and shaded her eyes. Then she assumed a cheerful tone, and said "You'll not have to wait long, Mary, for my secret's on the tip of my tongue.

Hold fast thy secret and to none unfold * Lost is a secret when that secret's told An fail thy breast thy secret to conceal * How canst thou hope another's breast shall hold? Who trusteth secret to another's hand * Upon his brow deserveth burn of brand!" When the Porter heard their words he rejoined, "By your lives!

My people used to play a game. You write down a name on a bit of paper; then you fold it down; then a quotation; then another name. That's my vein of gold. Now you have it the secret's out. I'm coming, you know. I accept. Many thanks. What's your hour?" "Half-past four," she told him. He bowed, and left her with Glyde.