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This ill-directed fleet had been hustled into port by the pressure of the well-manned and well-commanded British, who had pinned them there ever since, so that they had never had an opportunity of learning seamanship. Their harbour drill and their harbour gunnery had been of no service when sails had to be trimmed and broadsides fired on the heave of an Atlantic swell.

His first entry on independent life was as a deck-hand, before the mast of the schooner Liberty. In that capacity he remained two years, and then, having acquired a good knowledge of seamanship, was made mate, holding that rank two years. In 1839, he rose a step higher, and for two seasons was master of the Commodore Lawrence.

Stanley had placed his sisters in it, trusting rather to Jack's seamanship than to his own. His canoe being the lightest, he took the lead, that he might give timely notice to us should any sandbanks be encountered in our course, and, what were perhaps more to be dreaded, any wild rapids, down which it might be dangerous to proceed.

The captain had taken another boy in the cabin instead of me, and I was sent forward to learn seamanship; which was, in reality, an advantage to me, though I had thus a rougher life of it than aft. Still I believe that I never lost the captain's good-will, though he was not a man to talk to me about it. Once more, then, the stout old brig was following her accustomed track across the Atlantic.

Most of the seamanship seemed to be done after dark, or in those early hours when March found the stewards cleaning the stairs, and the sailors scouring the promenades. He made little acquaintance with his fellow-passengers.

"I am always glad to receive anything of the kind from you." "We can make as good yachts on this side of the continent as in the shipyards of the East. Nevertheless, purchase Jack's yacht in the East." "Why?" "To bring it through the Golden Gate, he will have to come around Cape Horn." "A pretty risky voyage, one that tests the staunchness of a boat and the seamanship of the captain."

Our old mate, Jacob Shobbrok, who has sailed with me pretty nearly since I came to sea, is as anxious to teach you as you can be to get instruction; but remember, Walter, you must begin at the beginning, and learn how to knot and splice, and reef, and steer, and box the compass, before you begin on the higher branches of seamanship.

Philip Second in his Cabinet His System of Work and Deception His vast but vague Schemes of Conquest The Armada sails Description of the Fleet The Junction with Parma unprovided for The Gale off Finisterre Exploits of David Gwynn First Engagements in the English Channel Considerable Losses of the Spaniards General Engagement near Portland Superior Seamanship of the English

By skilful seamanship Stewart kept the windward gage of both enemies; and the fight opened with the "Cyane" on the port-quarter, and the "Levant" on the port-bow of the American frigate. Fifteen minutes of fierce cannonading followed, the combatants being within musket-shot most of the time.

"I don't understand it at all," said Lily, whose knowledge of seamanship was very limited. "You know the shape of the letter A?" "I do." "Well, that boat has been running up one leg of the A, and I have been running up the other; so, you see, we must be coming nearer together. I had to run this way in order to use the wind to the best advantage."