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Science has hardly thought crystal-gazing worthy even of contempt, yet it appears to deserve the notice of psychologists. To persons who can 'scry, and who do not see hideous illusions, or become hypnotised, or superstitious, or incur headaches, scrying is a harmless gateway into Les Paradis Artificiels. 'And the rest, they may live and learn.

"Yes, it's another springtime.... I do not think that I believe in scrying, Mother Binning. But I'm where I pick up all straws with which to build me a nest! Sit down and scry for me, will you?" "I canna scry every day, nor every noon, nor every year. What are you wanting to see, Glenfernie?" "Oh, just my soul's desire!" Mother Binning turned to her door.

He would have made a splendid scryer, still, 'I speak of him but brotherly, his revelations would have been taken with the largest allowances. If scrying, on examination, proves to be of real psychological interest, science will owe another debt to folklore, to the folk who kept alive a practice which common-sense would not deign even to examine. The Gillie and the fire-raising.

It would perhaps be premature to make any definite pronouncement as to the scientific position in regard to the psychic phenomenon known as "scrying," and certainly presumptuous on my part to cite an authority from among the many who have examined this subject, since all are not agreed upon the nature and source of the observed phenomena.

"Neither by ink-pool nor yet by scrying! All the same, I know. Moreover, your peril is not a blind peril only, but a blind man's peril. Ye must choose, and that quickly, little son fingers or lips." I heard the rustle of a skirt down the stair. It was the light, springing tread of the one I loved first and best, last and only. "By the twelve gods, lips!" cried I, and made for the door.

As to 'scrying' the doctor thought it could be done in 'mesmerised water, water bewitched. There is no reason to imagine that 'mesmerised' is different from ordinary water. He knew that folklore retained the belief in scrying in crystal balls, and added some superfluous magical incantations.

On looking again on Sunday, I once more saw the curtained bed and some people. I had previously received an oral version, from a person present at the scrying. It differed, in one respect, from what Miss Angus writes. Her version is offered because it is made independently, without consultation, or attempt to reconcile recollections.

The practice of 'scrying, 'peeping, or 'crystal-gazing, has been revived in recent years, and is, perhaps, the only 'occult' diversion which may be free from psychological or physical risk, and which it is easy not to mix with superstition. The antiquity and world-wide diffusion of scrying, in one form or other, interests the student of human nature.

"Ah!" said Mother Binning. "There's a braw wrong-doer for you, sitting drinking Spanish wine!" "Say his name." "It's he that once, when you were a lad, you brought alive from the Kelpie's Pool." "Thank you, Mother! That's what I wanted. Scrying! Who gives to whom who gives back to whom? The underneath great I, I suppose. Left hand giving to right and no brand-new news!

In other case it is not worth the effort of acquiring, nor is it likely that anybody of a radically selfish nature will take the trouble to acquire it. Natural selection is the fine sieve which the gods use in their prospecting. The gross material does not go through. The foregoing short treatise will gain some practical value by a statement of the conditions most suitable for scrying.