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I'm thinking," remarked Montague, as he observed Delwood's cool indifference, and endeavoring to draw him into conversation, he added, "there's a young protégé of Santon's, staying with his daughter, who, I hear, hails from down east. Nantucket, I believe, perhaps we may get a little information on harpooning!" "Ah?" said Delwood, mechanically.

I feel there is something which bids me stay; some mysterious power controlling my destiny." "May you have your reward!" was Mr. Santon's reply; and we heartily respond, "May she have her reward!" Never a word did Mrs.

"You don't know Dick Montague if you think he would miss of such an occasion. Wit and beauty do not hold forth every night. Old Santon has but one daughter, you know." Mr. Delwood made no reply to these coarse remarks, for nothing could have been in greater contrast, than the refined, gentlemanly nature of Mr. Santon's notice by his frequent visits to her daughter.

Santon's side, that she might attend to her least wish, when young Montague, disappointed that he had not been the first to secure the hand of Winnie, in an obsequious manner, solicited the pleasure of Miss Grosvenor's company, to complete the set, but she politely declining the honor, the young man, by the aid of the brass which constituted no small portion of his composition, begged leave to remain by her side, that he might make some few inquiries in regard to her enchanting home, which place he always had a great desire to visit.

Santon's unpardonable slight, in not giving her a parting salutation, pleading one of her timely headaches as an excuse for her non-appearance at the hour of separation, the Sea-flower had left for her a kind farewell. After an absence of nearly three years, Natalie stood once again upon the shores of her island home.

Very soon the Sultanas, hearing the sound of the dance and finding their guards withdrawn, came into the hall and mixed with the dancers. The favorite Sultana seized upon a young Santon, who performed jumps two feet high; but soon the long dresses of this couple got intermingled and threw them down. The Santon's beard was caught in the Sultana's necklace, and they could not disentangle them.

It was at a much earlier hour than that which Mrs. Santon had named, that Delwood presented himself, and handsomely feeing the porter who answered his summons, he asked to see Miss Santon; "and, James," said he, "you need mention my presence to no other member of the family, as my business is strictly private, for Miss Santon's ear alone."

No, sir, thrice that paltry amount should not tempt me now to such degradation!" "You have done well, sir," said Delwood, calmly, as he placed double the amount of Mrs. Santon's bribe in the Signor's hand; "you have done well, sir; and mark my words, gold can never relieve a guilty conscience! Go, sir, and see that you lisp not a syllable of this to any one." Mr.

Then he turned back and, looking out for a place where he could sleep till morning, presently found a Santon's tomb, a square of four walls with a date-tree in the central court and a granite gateway. The door was wide open; so he entered and would fain have slept, but sleep came not to him; and terror and a sense of desolation oppressed him for that he was alone amidst the tombs.

Delwood was thunderstruck. "Indeed, I never could have mistrusted Mrs. Santon's character was so vile!" said he; "but I can sooner believe this than that darkness is born of light. And has Miss Grosvenor suffered the ill-will of this cruel, cruel woman, and never lisped a word but should lead others to respect her? Noble girl that she is! thrice noble have these very evil designings proved her!