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The lunch counter girl, following him with critical eyes, demanded for him or anyone else to hear: 'Who's your bean-pole friend, Kid? But the answer Howard did not hear. He swung out to the side to be free of the town and galloped on to Sanchia's tent, which he found readily. Sanchia herself was in front of it, just preparing to saddle her white mare.

Those hours which, in Sanchia's Town, had been given over to frenzy and the fury of feverish endeavour, had dragged by wearily and anxiously for the inmates of Longstreet's half-mile-distant cabin. For both Monte Devine and Ed True the night was one of bitter rage and pain.

Sanchia's fancy, uplifted by her contentment, played with the play, and suggested flights undreamed of for many a year. She sat by Melusine and her husband, and Mr. Worthington watched her in the long intervals of his duty. Charming indeed, and most high-bred: now where did old Welbore Percival, whom he met daily in Throgmorton Street, fetch up such a strain of blood?

He was no fine hand to deal with women; he stood utterly amazed at Sanchia's words and Sanchia's attitude. He had not learned the trick of saying to a woman, 'You lie. He had a confused sort of impression that the two girls were merely and lightly teasing him.

The men outside accepted the two wounded men with only a few low words; in another moment the five horses were carrying their riders slowly toward Sanchia's Town. Carr returning saw the whisk of Helen's skirt as she disappeared within the little room partitioned off at the rear and knew that she had gone to fling herself down upon her bed.

They reached the racecourse, and had, behind them and before, two valleys. Their road lay now due west, keeping the ridge a broad grass track belted rarely by woods on the north, but open on the south to hill and vale in diversity of sun and shade, a billowy sea of grass where no sign of man was to be seen. Sanchia's heart was so light she scarcely touched the ground. She swam the air, not flew.

She left the new bridle and spurs lying on the ground, passed swiftly by him and as she walked on said carelessly: 'If you both will excuse me a moment I must run into the house. I have something to do before papa comes in. Sanchia's face glowed triumphantly, and her triumph was clearly one of sheer malevolence. Howard lifted his face to hers, letting her read his blazing wrath.

Instinct prompted him immediately to screen Sanchia by dragging her into the party. He held up the net and plunged. "First prize," he cried out, as heartfully as he could, "to me and Miss Percival." "So I see," said Mrs. Devereux. "Ah, good morning." This was to Sanchia's bland greeting, which, as always, made the lady shiver.

"I can't think how you do it. Swedish exercises? I know it's wonderful what they do for you in no time. But you have to think about them all the while, and I think of Cuthbert and Dickie and the horses and, oh, all sorts of things! Those sort, I mean, nice things." She pondered Sanchia's godhead, shaking her pretty draperies out, then recalled herself. "Oh, yes, about coming here.

He had no objection to her coming, he meant; indeed, he rather liked the young party. He thought Chevenix did, too. But Chevenix was very much at Sanchia's disposal; "he talked a lot about seeing you again, my girl." To meet him again might carry her mind back how long? Eight stricken years. Was it possible that she he and she had been here together eight years?