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The passing of the bonbons concludes the actual service at the table. If the ladies only retire to the drawing room, one waitress serves them there with coffee, while another remains in the dining room. Here she passes cigars and cigarettes on a tray, together with a lighted candle or matches, and then serves coffee and cordials or brandy and soda.

Stone ginger beer is better than either, of course, but Brannigan doesn't keep it, I can't imagine why not." "If we're going to stay out," said Frank, "I'll have beer, lager for choice." "Right. Lager is twopence. Lemon flavoured soda twopence if we bring back the bottles. That will leave fourpence for biscuits which ought to be enough."

"The Nunsmere air will rest you," she said demurely. "I don't think much of the air if you're not in it. It's like whiskey-less soda water." He drew a long breath. "My God! It's good to see you again. You're the one creature on this earth who believes in the Cure as I do myself." Zora glanced at him guiltily. Her enthusiasm for the Cure as a religion was tepid.

He followed on the heels of Lord Jasper, passing through a throng of men in the passages and on the stairs, until he reached the bar. "Whisky and soda?" said Lord Jasper, and Henry nodded his head. "I hate theatres," Lord Jasper said. "Oh!" Henry replied. That seemed to be the only adequate retort to make to anything that Jimphy said. "Yes, I can't stand 'em.

This entailed flap-jacks, or scones, or soda bread, or some indigestible compound for at least three days, as it was of no use attempting to make proper bread until the yeast had worked.

Selecting the corner of an upstairs verandah where there might be some possibility of a faint draught, and having cigars, whisky and iced soda well within reach, we would take off our white jackets for greater coolness and sit perspiring in singlets round the table between guttering candles, when with bare heads and naked arms we must have had the appearance of desperate gamblers, though only playing the regulation twenty-five cent points with longs and shorts and a dollar on the rub, so that the damage could not be very extensive.

One of the most important factors in the success of any piece of glass-blowing is the glass employed. As is well known, there are two general varieties of glass: Lead glass and soda glass. Formerly much apparatus was made of lead glass, but at present it is very seldom met with, except in the little drops of special glass used to seal platinum wires into the larger sizes of tubes.

There's something in this northern air that I breathe in this morning that tells me that this is my lucky day. You other kids had better let the games alone and save your money to buy red silk handkerchiefs and soda water and such harmless jimcracks."

She walked toward a table at the other extremity of the room, set in the style of an English table, with tea and iced drinks, saying to Julien, who followed her: "Shall I prepare your brandy and soda, Dorsenne?"

I could see he was rare and put out, for he was white, and shaking all over. 'Give me a drink, Jim, he said, 'a big brandy and soda, big as you make 'em." The man paused for a moment as though to collect himself. Laverick was suddenly conscious of a strange thrill creeping through his pulses. "Go on," he said. "That was after he left me. Go on." "He was quite close to the other gent, Mr.