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For such an one Gordon had a supreme contempt. It has been well said by Dr. Ryle, the Bishop of Liverpool, "It is not overwhelming majorities that shake and influence the world. Small minorities have ever had more influence than large majorities. All great men have had their seasons of loneliness. See Napoleon, Mahomet, Luther, John Wesley, and Christ Himself."

Suddenly Ryle saw the Archdeacon stop in front of Hogg; himself started across the street, urged he knew not by what impulse, saw Hogg's ugly sneering face, saw the Archdeacon's arm shoot out, catch Hogg one, two terrific blows in the face, saw Hogg topple over like a heap of clothes falling from their peg, was in time to hear the Archdeacon crying out, "You dirty spy!

The name of Jesus is a never-failing passport to our prayers. In that name a man may draw near to God with boldness, and ask with confidence. God has engaged to hear him. Reader, think of this; is not this encouragement? J. C. Ryle ED. 9 See Mr. Fox's Acts and Monuments, v.2.

"As there seems to be some difference of opinion in this matter," he said, "I think we had better vote upon it. Those in favour of the roller being granted to the School please signify." Ronder, Foster and Witheram raised their hands. "And those against?" said the Dean. Brandon, Ryle and Bentinck-Major were against.

"I was as mad as a hatter; I felt a little bit vain of the embassy to London, and my Paris dress, particularly my boots and gloves, and all that, and I will admit, there is no use talkin', I rather kinder sorter thought she would be proud of the connection. I am a good-natured man in a general way when I am pleased, but it ain't safe to ryle me, I tell you.

"I say that the School should have this roller and that we are behaving with abominable meanness in preventing it"; and he banged his fist upon the table. "If that charge of meanness is intended personally,..." said Brandon angrily. "I assure you, Archdeacon,..." said Ryle. The Dean raised a hand in protest. "I don't think," he said, "that anything here is ever intended personally.

Now the Blue Noses are like that are gall; they have grown up, and grown up in ignorance of many things they had'nt ought not to know; and its as hard to teach grown up folks as it is to break a six year old horse; and they do ryle one's temper so they act so ugly that it tempts one sometimes to break their confounded necks its near about as much trouble as its worth.

He had been tested; like Job, every plague had been given to him to prove him true, but this last would shout to the world that his power was gone and that the Cathedral that he loved had no longer a place for him. And then and then He would not, he must not, look. At the top of the High Street he met Ryle the Precentor.

There had been a time when Ryle was terrified by the Archdeacon; that time was not far distant, but it was gone. Nevertheless, even though the Archdeacon were suddenly old and sick and unimportant, you never could tell but that he might say something to somebody that it would be unpleasant to have said. "Politeness all the way round" was Ryle's motto, and a very safe one too.

And to be seen thus affectionately linked with the Archdeacon just now, when his family affairs were in so strange a disorder, when he himself was behaving so oddly, when, as it was whispered, at the Jubilee Fair he had engaged in a scuffle of a most disreputable kind. The word "Drink" was mentioned. Ryle tried, every so gently, to disengage his arm. Brandon's hand was of steel.