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Far down, at some water-power nearest the reach of tide, a boom checks the march of this formidable body. The owners step forward and claim their slicks. Dowse takes all marked with three crosses and a dash. Sowse selects whatever bears two crescents and a star. Rowse pokes about for his stock, inscribed clip, dash, star, dash, clip. Nobody has counterfeited these hieroglyphs.

The next abbess was Joyce Rowse, but she was utterly unable to reinstate the old discipline we hear of her revelling with some of the sisters in the abbess's quarters. Bishop Fox in his injunctions in 1507 forbade sundry priests to hold any communication with the abbess or with any of the nuns. William Scott was forbidden to gossip with the nuns at the kitchen window.

"Never mind me, mother, but rowse it all up like entered cargo," said Marble, in his usual bitter way when alluding to his own birth. "There's not the man breathing that one can speak more freely before on such matters, than Moses Marble." "Marble! that's a hard name," returned the woman slightly smiling; "but a name is not a heart.

She was the only woman present in the library- a large room, but with an atmosphere as if the open air had not been admitted for thirty years, and with an enormous fire, close to which was the arm-chair whither she was marshalled, being introduced to the two solicitors, Mr. Rowse and Mr. Wakefield, who, with Farmer Gould, the agent, Richards, the Colonel, and the two boys, made up the audience.

Then came the Duke de la Rowse with an hundred knights with him, and there he did homage and fealty to Sir Gareth, and so to hold their lands of him for ever. And he required Sir Gareth that he might serve him of the wine that day of that feast. I will well, said Sir Gareth, and it were better.

II. 'Stephano, I long to have a Rowse to her Grace's Health, and to the Haunse in Kelder, or rather Haddock in Kelder, for I guess it will be half Fish'; and also Dryden's Amboyna , Act iv, sc.

As Rowse said of him later, "he wanted me to hold the brush while he painted." But our ideas clashed continually, and what he wanted was impossible, to make me see with his eyes; and so we came to great disappointment in the end. I was very much interested in his old guide, Coutet, with whom I had many climbs.

There is a portrait of him by Rowse, who knew and loved him well, which renders this side of Emerson in a way that makes it the most remarkable piece of portraiture I know, the listening Emerson. His insatiability in the study of human nature was shown curiously in our first summer's camp.

Then she said, faltering 'It is a very interesting portrait, after which brilliant remark she stood looking helplessly towards the open door, which she could not reach without passing the stranger. 'I think I have the pleasure of speaking to Miss Palliser, he said. 'Old Mrs. Rowse told me you were here. I am Brian Wendover.

"He wants me to dine there to-night, mother, to meet Mr. Rowse and Mr. Wakefield," said Allen, with a certain importance suited to a lad of fifteen, who had just become "somebody." "Very well," she said, in weary acquiescence, as she lay down again, just enough refreshed by the coffee to become sleepy. "And mother," said Allen, lingering in the dark, "don't trouble about Elfie.