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Boys passed with bows in their hands, and quivers of bone-barbed arrows; and many a skinning-knife of bone or stone Smoke saw in belts or neck-hung sheaths. Women toiled over the fires, smoke-curing the meat, on their backs infants that stared round-eyed and sucked at lumps of tallow.

Are you going right back to Chicago, Mr. Weeks?" "No," said Jim. "I shall be here for some time. From now on this fight will be along the line of the road." Mr. Wing was oppressed by a sense of his office boy's superiority. He read disapprobation in the round-eyed stare, and even the cut-steel buttons, though of Wing's own purveying, seemed arguslike in their critical surveillance.

Herbert and Eva, aged respectively ten and twelve, had that superabundant love of information so characteristic of their tender years. They sat in round-eyed silence, bringing the battery of their glances to bear upon their unfortunate brother, who at last could endure it no longer.

Then sprang grim Roger, dagger aloft, but swifter than he, the knight's sword swung; flat fell that long blade on Roger's bascinet, wielded by an arm so strong that Roger, staggering aside, rolled upon the ling, and thereafter, sat up, round-eyed and fearful: "O master!" he panted, "here is none of honest flesh and blood, 'tis Hob-gob himself, as I did warn thee.

"I think I know where it is." "Esteban!" Rosa stared, round-eyed, at her brother. "Oh, I mean it. I've been thinking so ever since " "Where is it?" breathlessly inquired the girl. After a furtive look over his shoulder Esteban whispered, "In the well." "You're joking!" "No, no! Think for yourself. It was old Sebastian who dug that well " "Yes." "And he alone shared father's confidence.

"Neale doesn't know he is here yet; but Ruthie has asked him to stay to supper " "With your permission, ma'am," said Mr. Sorber, with another flourish of his hat. "Oh, to be sure," agreed the housekeeper. "And Neale runned away from a circus when he came here," said the round-eyed Dot. "No!" gasped the housekeeper. "Yes, Mrs. MacCall," Tess hurried on to say.

She cast herself upon the improvised divan in the corner, while Eset, blinking, licked her big yellow hind hump, and tumbled forward upon her knees preparatory to sitting down herself. "A camel!" repeated Willie, round-eyed. He counted the roofs dividing the penthouse from where Morris Street bisected the block. "Whoop!" he cried and dashed out of the office.

"You have touched the spot." "If I must explain again, my dear Outwood, will you kindly give me your attention for a moment. Last night a boy broke out of your house, and painted my dog Sampson red." "He painted !" said Mr. Outwood, round-eyed. "Why?" "I don't know why. At any rate, he did. During the escapade one of his boots was splashed with the paint.

Indeed, it was Dick's easy-natured, "Ah, let the kid go, why don't you?" which gave Ford an excuse for reconsidering. And Buddy repaid him after his usual fashion. At the supper table he looked up, round-eyed, from his plate. "Gee, but I'm hungry!" he sighed. "I eat and eat, just like a horse eating hay, and I just can't fill up the hole in me." "There, never mind, honey," Mrs.

Stung to the quick, the lame wheelwright, Charles Coomstock, gloated on the spectacle of Clement's dark hour, and heaped abuse upon his round-eyed, miserable mother. The raw of his own wound found a sort of salve in this attack; and all the other poor, coarse creatures similarly found comfort in their disappointment from a sight of more terrific mortification than their own.