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'Madame de la Rougierre, I have to request you that you will give me the key now in your possession, which unlocks this desk of mine. With which termination he tapped his gold pencil-case suddenly on it.

You will not be astonished, that after a night so passed I was ill and feverish in the morning. To my horror, Madame de la Rougierre came to visit me at my bedside. Not a trace of guilty consciousness of what had passed during the night was legible in her face. She had no sign of late watching, and her toilet was exemplary.

Then some one knocked softly at the door, which after another pause was slowly pushed open. I expected, I think, to see the dreaded figure of the linkman. I was scarcely less frightened to see that of Madame de la Rougierre. She was dressed in a sort of grey silk, which she called her Chinese silk precisely as she had been in the daytime. In fact, I do not think she had undressed.

Madame de la Rougierre, I found, was always quite ready to explain everything

Intelligence, however, shall reach her through my attorneys, Archer and Sleigh, and I trust we shall soon return. You will, please, submit that latter note to Madame de la Rougierre, who has my directions to see that it contains no libels upon my character. Now, sit down. So, with those unpleasant words tingling in my ears, I obeyed. 'Write, said he, when I was duly placed.

You have not been very happy with Madame de la Rougierre. It is time you were relieved. This occurrence decides it. He rang the bell. 'Tell Madame de la Rougierre that I request the honour of seeing her for a few minutes here. My father's communications to her were always equally ceremonious.

Early, Madame de la Rougierre made her appearance; she searched my eyes darkly and shrewdly, but made no allusion to Mary Quince's visit. Perhaps she expected some question from me, and, hearing none, thought it as well to leave the subject at rest.

Let us come even a little part of the way. And so I yielded, though still reluctant. There was a grass-grown road, which we easily reached, leading to the sombre building, and we soon arrived before it. Madame de la Rougierre seemed rather curious. She sat down on the little bank opposite, in her most languid pose her head leaned upon the tips of her fingers.

'You shall join my daughter at the Pension, in France; Madame de la Rougierre shall accompany you, said my uncle, delivering his directions with the stern monotony and the measured pauses of a person dictating an important despatch to a secretary. Old Mrs. Quince shall follow with me, or, if alone, in a week.

He never alluded again to Madame de la Rougierre. But whether connected with her exposure and dismissal, I could not say, there did appear to be some new care or trouble now at work in my father's mind. 'I have been thinking a great deal about you, Maud. I am anxious. I have not been so troubled for years. Why has not Monica Knollys a little more sense?