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She was frequently hovering about him during Christmas day; and received a special invitation to Roselands. "You and your mamma are to be my particular guests," he said, "and if you fail to enjoy yourselves it shall be from no fault of mine." "We shall not fail," Violet said with confidence. "How could we with Cal and yourself for our hosts?"

"I am happy here, and I am happy at Roselands but I was happiest of all in the house on the Three-Notched Road!" There was a moment's silence, then Rand spoke slowly. "I was not born for content. I am urged on and on and I cannot always tell right from wrong. There is a darkness within me I wish it were light instead!" He laughed. "But if wishes were horses, beggars might ride!

If you and the captain are not too weary to enjoy a ride or drive, we will go to Roselands for a call this afternoon, then on to the Oaks to take tea with my son Horace and his family." "You can assure us of a welcome at both places?" Donald said inquiringly and with a slight smile. "You need not have the slightest fear on that score," was the quick, earnest rejoinder.

Miss Trenchard divided her life between London and a place called Garth in Roselands in Glebeshire, and Maggie did not know where she would be now but, after some little hesitation, she wrote a letter, speaking of the death of her father and of her desire to find some work in London, and directed it to Garth.

Dinsmore having first seen Ben, and found him more than willing to go with the children of the master he had loved as his own soul, went to the library, looked over the papers, and had just found the information he sought, when the sound of horses' hoofs on the avenue drew his attention, and glancing from the window he saw the Roselands carriage drive up with his sister, Mrs. Conly, inside.

I stopped at my partner's house to tell his sister when to expect him home from Richmond, and at the Eagle I drew rein for a moment and exchanged greetings with two or three gentlemen upon the porch. The rain was close at hand, and my boy and I pushed on to Roselands where, next morning, a neighbour brought the news of this murder.

They left home in July, and did not return until September, so that the little girl had time to rest and recruit, both mentally and physically, and was ready to begin her studies again with zeal and energy; yet it was so pleasant to be her papa's constant companion, and she had so enjoyed her freedom from the restraints of the school-room, that she was not at all sorry to learn, on their arrival at Roselands, that the governess would still be absent for some weeks.

"Back to business, Tom! When Roselands is sold " "Do you know," suggested Tom, "I've been thinking that, now he is going to be married, a purchaser might be found in Fairfax Cary." "Fairfax Cary!" exclaimed the other, and drummed upon the table. "No; they will not want it, those two. Poor old Tom! your intuitions are not very fine, are they?" "Well, I just thought he might," said the underling.

"Because I heard her tell her mother she didn't; that she meant to drive over to Roselands with grandpa Dinsmore instead; that he had told her he expected to go there to see Cal about some business matter, and would take her with him.

You demand that I shall become my party's candidate for the governorship. I answer it is not now possible. You insist that I shall busy myself with improvements here at Roselands, and to that end you offer to reinforce my purse. I answer that Roselands does very well, and that I am not in need of money.