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He made up his mind that he liked him still better when Turner said: "None of the fellows call me Terrible Turner, you know that was just some bunk that Bassett invented. They all call me Snubby on account of my nose, I guess." That noon an incident occurred that some of the roomers in Gannett Hall noticed: just before lunch Teeny-bits' trunk came. Mr.

Dick, too, dropped it, both from tongue and mind. A few evenings later, while David was working on his new idea, violin strains rose from the parlor. But he did not go down or join his fellow roomers on the stairs, though Jonathan and Esther made music until the evening was no longer young.

"I've never yet been reduced to taking roomers, and I'm not going to let the neighbors begin looking down on me now." "Now, listen, mother " "Go on away, Edie." "But suppose we could get a young man, a gentleman, who would be out all but three evenings a week. I don't know, but Mr. Cameron at the store isn't satisfied where he is. He's got a dog, and they haven't any yard. We've got a yard."

When the tie business begun and Gaius and Dan was bribin' the billiard roomers to jine the club, 'twas him that fixed how they should vote so's to keep the deadlock goin'. 'Twas him that put Bassett up to proposin' him as a member. 'Twas him that suggested Gabe's comin' back to Gaius. 'Twas him that But what's the use? 'Twas him all along. He was IT.

I'm just doing a little checking." "My license is okay," the woman said belligerently. "The place is clean and orderly." "That's not what I'm checking about. There's been some counterfeit money passed in this neighborhood and we're trying to trace it down." The woman had a pronounced mustache that quivered at this news. "Counterfeit! My roomers are honest." "I'm sure they are.

There was no doubt in her mind where the noises came from. Some of the roomers were awake and looking sleepily and frightenedly out of their doorways. Mrs. Balmer and the janitor hurried to the back room on the third floor. It was Crawford screaming. His door was closed, but it opened when the janitor turned the knob. Mr.

Jones, she was a "big yellow woman." She had a broad good-natured face and a tendency to run to bust. "Yes," she said, "I think I could arrange to take you. I could let you have two rooms, and you could use my kitchen until you decided whether you wanted to take a flat or not. I has the whole house myself, and I keeps roomers.

He looked about him, snuffed, and wrinkled his forehead; his eyes had something of the wistful, wondering satisfaction of an animal's. He had never sat in a garden before, in all his life! Think of it! Whenever we bring one of our Guest Roomers downstairs, Miss Sally Ruth Dexter promptly comes to her side of the fence to look him over.

For, with times hard and only two or three roomers all winter, I had not had a servant, except Terry to do odd jobs, for some months. There stood a fresh-faced young girl, with a covered basket in her hand. "Are you Mrs. Pitman?" she asked. "I don't need anything to-day," I said, trying to shut the door. And at that minute something in the basket cheeped.

Thomas is a case, sho'," she said; "but he likes you all, an' I 'm mighty glad of it, fu' he 's mighty curious about the house when he don't like the roomers." Joe felt distinctly flattered, for he found their new acquaintance charming. His mother was still a little doubtful, and Kitty was sure she found the young man "fresh." He came in pretty soon with his beer, and a half-dozen crabs in a bag.