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You've rooked 'em, chiselled 'em out of a lot of cash, too. There was old Lamson fifteen hundred for the goitre on his neck; and Mrs. Gilligan for the cancer two thousand, wasn't it? 'Tincture of Lebanon Leaves' you called the medicine, didn't you? You must have made fifty thousand or so in the last ten years."

Archer, they were no true thieves after all, but just people who had been robbed and tried to get their own again. What was that you said, about all England and the taxes? One takes, another gives; why, that's almost fair. If I've been rooked and robbed, and the coat taken off my back, I call it almost fair to take another's.

IT is no part of mine to narrate the adventures of John Nicholson, which were many, but simply his more momentous misadventures, which were more than he desired, and, by human standards, more than he deserved; how he reached California, how he was rooked, and robbed, and beaten, and starved; how he was at last taken up by charitable folk, restored to some degree of self-complacency, and installed as a clerk in a bank in San Francisco, it would take too long to tell; nor in these episodes were there any marks of the peculiar Nicholsonic destiny, for they were just such matters as befell some thousands of other young adventurers in the same days and places.

It was a thousand pities a young fellow, blessed with an allowance of brains as his neighbour obviously was, should waste his valuable time with profligate women who might present him with a nice dose to last him his lifetime. To think of him house and homeless, rooked by some landlady worse than any stepmother, was really too bad at his age.

Archer, you and me belong to different stations; and I know mine no man better, but since we have both been rooked, and are both sore with it, why, here's my hand with a very good heart, and I ask for yours, and no offence, I hope." "There is surely no offence, my friend," returned Mr. Archer, as they shook hands across the table; "for, believe me, my sympathies are quite acquired to you.

We ruin a tradesman who lets two men play a game at billiards for sixpence on licensed premises, and we allow a silly boy to be rooked of a quarter of a million in nine months, although the robbery is as well-known as if it were advertised over the whole front page of The Times day by day. And then we have circle on circle showing every shade of vice, baseness, cupidity, and blank folly.

Yes, I should decidedly like to be Gaddy. MACKESY. He'll go Home after he's married, and send in his papers see if he doesn't. BLAYNE. Why shouldn't he? Hasn't he money? Would any one of us be here if we weren't paupers? DOONE. Poor old pauper! What has became of the six hundred you rooked from our table last month? BLAYNE. It took unto itself wings.

Having received complaints of several young men being rooked in the place, we can, if we prove that some of its frequenters are blacklegs, shut the place up altogether. We should do it quietly, and without fuss, if possible; but if we shut it up several others of the same sort will be certain to close their doors.

Never mind, my boy, we are on the Paris road now and you shall soon see her! This was one of his usual, as we believed them, foolish speeches. None of us but believed that the getting to Paris would be a matter of years of years. And lo! less than eighteen months afterwards I was rooked of a lot of money in a gambling hell in the Palais Royal.

She had endured being ruthlessly rooked, with but little murmuring, as do so many of her patient class, accustomed to be the prey of each unit in the large congregation of the modern Fates. For months and years she had paid a preposterous price for her badly furnished little rooms.