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Without replying to the question he struck up "Rule Britannia" in tones that did not justify his disparaging remark as to quality. He reached the other end of the wood and the end of the song at the same time. "Britons," shouted he with unalterable determination "Never, never, ne-ever, shall be Redskins!" This unnatural termination was not an intentional variation.

"I saw as it was all up; the redskins war but fifty yards behind, and were gainin' fast upon us. So I says, 'Thar's your father, Miss, ride on for his sake, then I turns my horse, and, with a pistol in each hand, I rides back at the redskins.

"Oh, Davy," said his mother, "I thought ye were never coming back." "And the redskins?" I asked. She drew the child away, lest he hurt me, and shuddered. "I reckon 'twas only a war-party," she answered. "The rest is at McAfee's. And if they beat 'em off " she stopped abruptly. "We shall be saved," I said. I shall never forget that day.

Thar war a scrimmage atween them and the redskins, in the which some squaws got kilt I mout say murdered. Thar war some Mexikins along wi' the whites, an' it war them that did it. An' now we've got to pay for their cussed crooked conduk." "What's best for us to do?" "Thar's no best, I'm afeerd. I kin see no chance 'cept to fight it out to the bitter eend.

She might not get an opportunity to drop anything for some time after leaving the fork." "That's true, sir," said Cooler; "the redskins would naturally be watching her closely. Which way will you go, Paul?" "Let the liftinint say," answered the elder scout, tightening his belt and readjusting his equipments for resuming his riding.

Preachin' is all right, I'll allow; but I'm kinder doubtful about preachin' to redskins. Howsumever, I've knowed Injuns who are good fellows, and there's no tellin'. What are ye goin' in fer farmin'?" "No, I wouldn't make a good farmer." "Jest cum out kinder wild like, eh?" rejoined Jeff, knowingly. "I wanted to come West because I was tired of tame life.

"That's the way the Redskins do with their enemies." And his friend the red-haired boy danced something that might have been an Indian war dance. Anyhow, neither old Mr. Crow nor Timothy Turtle had ever seen anything like it. Timothy Turtle found himself in a very uncomfortable position, staked out as he was on the bank of Black Creek, with one rope about his body and another about his neck.

"Ay, but you shall march with your arms bound until we are there, and the fight wi' the redskins is over," said the robber-chief, "and if I find treachery in your acts or looks I'll blow your brains out on the spot. My left hand, you shall find, can work as well as the right wi' the revolver." "A beggar, they say, must not be a chooser," returned the trapper. "I accept your terms." "Good.

As an explorer in the last few years in the course of his expeditions into undiscovered lands, he has added to this little world many thousands of square miles. Personally, Burnham is as unlike the scout of fiction, and of the Wild West Show, as it is possible for a man to be. He possesses no flowing locks, his talk is not of "greasers," "grizzly b'ars," or "pesky redskins."

For many a day after that I tried to find the trail o' the Redskins that did it, but never succeeded, thank God. If I had, it would only have ended in the spillin' of more blood, without any good comin' of it.