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Tellingham had in her ability to succeed, Ruth was not at all sure she had written up to the mark. Try as she might she began to fall behind in her recitation marks during these days of waiting. Her nervousness was enhanced by the doubts she felt regarding her general standing in her classes. Mrs.

Then rising, he took his place in the second row of seats on the gospel side, and remained there, through the concluding acts of the ceremonial, until the silent congregation suddenly finds voice penetrated by austere emotion in recitation of the Divine Praises. Some minutes later he knelt in the confessional, laying bare the secrets of his heart.

Do you respect a rope-dancer, or a ballad-singer? BOSWELL. 'No, Sir: but we respect a great player, as a man who can conceive lofty sentiments, and can express them gracefully. JOHNSON. 'What, Sir, a fellow who claps a hump on his back, and a lump on his leg, and cries "I am Richard the Third "? Nay, Sir, a ballad-singer is a higher man, for he does two things; he repeats and he sings: there is both recitation and musick in his performance: the player only recites. BOSWELL. 'My dear Sir! you may turn anything into ridicule.

It consisted of three parts a recitation of the wrongs committed, a statement of the terms of pardon, and a long list of exceptions. All the sins of omission and commission, the heresy, the public preaching, the image-breaking, the Compromise, the confederacy, the rebellion, were painted in lively colors.

The opening game was only two weeks off, and they needed practice. Julia Crosby put her head down on her desk and wept tears of rage and mortification. The rest of the girls looked ready to cry, too. The first bell for classes sounded and the girls picked up their books. At the second bell they filed out through the corridor to their various recitation rooms.

That Reciter who insults and disregards others has to go to hell. That man who betakes himself to silent recitation under the influence of stupefaction and from desire of fruit, obtains all those things upon which his heart becomes set. That Reciter whose heart becomes set upon the attributes that go by the name of divinity, has to incur hell and never becomes freed from it.

The mental effects, however, were most ridiculous; they were all stage-struck, mouthing blank verse and ranting at the top of their voices. Their favourite recitation was the Andromeda of Euripides; one after another would go through the great speech of Perseus; the whole place was full of pale ghosts, who were our seventh- day tragedians vociferating, O Love, who lord'st it over Gods and men,

Whether what we call metre existed in the earlier times is doubtful; the litany of the Arval Brethren scarcely accommodates itself to an outwardly fixed metrical system, and presents to us rather the appearance of an animated recitation.

Philip's eyes wandered to her, and Cronshaw, having finished the recitation of his verses, smiled upon him indulgently. "You were not listening," he said. "Oh yes, I was." "I do not blame you, for you have given an apt illustration of the statement I just made. What is art beside love?

This is the oldest and most universal name for the Breviary and its recitation. Other names were, Opus Dei; Agenda; Pensum servitutis; Horae; Horae Canonicae. Which books were employed in olden times in reciting the Office?