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She snorted rebelliously: "His mother wants him down here.... And what is Heaven to little Dierck, when he could be sailing his boat in the river-pools, and playing at driving the span?" But she let the Mother-Superior take him from her, and dropped her great arms doggedly at her sides, watching still dry-eyed as they laid him down, and Saxham stooped above him, feeling at the pulseless heart.

"I I am worse," she said unsteadily. He caught her hands rebelliously. "But you love me," he said wistfully. "That, at least " Joan slipped into his arms again with a sob. "I love you better than my life," she said, "and I may never say it again." Brian pressed his cheek against her hair. "No," he said. "No. I would not have you say it again, Joan, dear as it is to hear it."

It was Molly's afternoon off and she was dressed trimly, and with taste. Under her little close-fitting hat her hair was like black satin, her face like a rose. The young policeman managed to pass the house at that moment, and lifted his cap to her; Nancy saw the look in the young man's eyes. She followed Mrs. MacGregor into the house, rebelliously. Nobody had ever looked at her like that.

"Drat it!" he said, with a worried look, "I've lost it again; but it'll come back." The cook waited ten minutes for the prodigal. "It ain't Gething, I s'pose?" he said at length. "No," said the old man; "don't you be in a hurry; it'll come back." "When?" asked the cook rebelliously. "It might be in five minutes' time, and it might be in a month," said the old man firmly, "but it'll come back."

"I guess she was mistaken." "Your mother does not understand, neither do you," she replied seriously. "Nothing can be put right until my father is restored to honour and position." "But why should you punish me because my father fails to regard the matter as we do?" demanded Jefferson rebelliously.

In reply to Barbara's anxious question how the impatient man bore the inactivity imposed upon him, her visitor answered, "Rebelliously enough, but he has already grown quieter, and my sister is fond of him and takes the best care of him."

I must obey the decrees of State!" She paused, then impulsively swept on: "I can force myself to do what I must do, but I cannot compel my heart that is his, utterly his." She raised both hands. "Now you know," she said. "You may decide." Karyl inclined his head. "I have questioned nothing," he repeated. "Will you honor me by returning in my car?" Cara tilted her chin rebelliously.

I've told Peggy about a girl in France and she wants to know what she's like." Peggy, shaken by the rude grip and the kiss, flashed and cried rebelliously: "I'm not quite so sure that I want to fix it up with Oliver." "Oh yes, you do," cried Oliver.

Every one who was rebelliously disposed now looked on himself as the member of a venerable and powerful body, and believed that by carrying his own complaints to the general stock of discontent he secured the free expression of them. To be called an important acquisition to the league flattered the vain; to be lost, unnoticed, and irresponsible in the crowd was an inducement to the timid.

And the disconcerting strangeness of it was in this: that though she was no longer the woman child, yet with one flash of her gold-curtained eyes had she reduced me to my ancient schoolboy clumsiness. She was a woman, but, I was again an awkward, stammering boy, rebelliously declining to believe that a state she had come away from could retain any significance, industrial or otherwise.