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But, on the other hand his peace of mind was greatly impaired, and any one who had watched him leaning over the ship's bulwark, gazing into the sea, or pacing up and down with restless bearing and gloomy eyes, would scarcely have suspected that this reserved, irritable youth, who was only too often under the dominion of melancholy moods, had won only a short time before a noble human heart, and was on the way to the realization of his boldest dreams, the fulfilment of his most ardent wishes.

So he trusted to his agility, which, though waning, answered well until he recovered from the effects of the blow. And then, with the realization that he was weakening, that the last blow had hurt him badly, came to Masten the sickening knowledge that Randerson was fighting harder than ever.

This, which it takes thus long to recapitulate, presented itself to her as one wide vision of the truth. It left a realization of how the past had swept him along with its current; and of how the future now caught him up and bore him on, part in its problems. The old passion living on in him forest life; a new passion born in him human life.

Even before their discreetly shuttered windows Barton winced back again with a sudden horrid new realization of his half-nakedness. "For Heaven's sake!" he cried, "let's sneak in the back way somewhere! Oh Lordy! what a sight I am to meet your father!" "What a sight you are to meet my father?" repeated Eve Edgarton with astonishment. "Oh, please don't insist on waking up Father," she begged.

The improvement lies chiefly in greater independence of manner and thought, in a greater amount of thought, in enlarged and more tolerant views, in less reserve and morgue, in additional kindness of heart, and in a more complete realization of the great fact of human brotherhood.

Life pays as it goes, even though it goes to the length of serving humanity at large, and the larger enterprises owe their very justification to this additive and cumulative principle. But if action is to be moral it must always look beyond the present satisfaction. It must submit to such checks as are necessary for the realization of a greater good.

In fancy he seemed to see the broad, flowing river from a window of his own chambers, the dawn stealing over, marshaling its tints, crimson until Slowly through the torpor of his brain realization began also to dawn; this room? it was not his.

Choate, by granting the interview, contributed to an earlier realization of my purposes. One week later I began the composition of this book. My action was unpremeditated, as my quitting Boston for less attractive Worcester proves.

For the best part of an hour Stuart sat confusedly looking out across the cove. Then with the wish for some stimulating fillip he stripped and plunged into the sobering coolness of the water. Even after that he did not return to the house, but struck out aimlessly across the hills with little realization of direction and small selection of course.

He had been thinking only about Miss Norvell, and had permitted the rascally manager to escape with the greater portion of his stolen goods. The realization of how easily he had been tricked angered him, his face darkening. She read the truth as quickly, and, before he found speech in explanation, had swept the little pile of loose bills into her lap.