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But his face remained stolid and she decided that he was indifferent to all such slight affairs. It was when they first stepped out of their train into the great station at New York, that the full realization of her undertaking came to her.

During the year 1812 several hundred hogsheads of Louisiana sugar were brought by way of the Mississippi, the Ohio, and the Potomac Rivers to Georgetown. This was a realization of Washington's idea that the city which he founded and which bore his name would become an entrepot for the products of the Mississippi Valley destined for shipment abroad.

All this was said as it might have been in an address, with little realization of its application to the individual case before her. Mrs. Frankland would have been the last person to advise an extreme course of action. She admired the extravagance of religious devotion for its artistic effect when used in oratory. It was the artistic effect she was dreaming of now.

It was a forced laugh, but it served her purpose, for the man's brow cleared instantly, and his thoughts diverted to a full realization of her presence, and all she meant to him. "You can laugh," he said, his eyes darkening with sudden lustful passion. "But I can't have folks starin' at you. Say, Jess, you don't know, you can't think, how I feel about you. You're jest mine mine."

In this short sentence of five words there are expressed, therefore, thirteen distinct concepts, of which three are radical and concrete, two derivational, and eight relational. Perhaps the most striking result of the analysis is a renewed realization of the curious lack of accord in our language between function and form.

It is national just because it seeks to realize the purpose of American national association without undermining or overthrowing the living conditions of American national integrity. Hitherto we have been discussing the ways in which existing American economic and political methods and institutions should be modified in order to make towards the realization of the national democratic ideal.

I assume that there is no such thing as a progressive Christianity, except in so far as mankind grow in the realization of its lofty principles; that there has not been and will not be any improvement on the ethics and spiritual truths revealed by Jesus the Christ, but that they will remain forever the standard of faith and practice.

The full realization of all this swallowed me up as in a great, thick, black mist. And my arms strained to escape from my tightly-locked hands, strained to seize her, to snatch from her, reluctant though she might be, at least some part of the happiness that was to be denied me. I think my torment must have somehow penetrated to her.

"You failed to make your quarter-hour check to the traffic-control center, I believe?" "Yes, sir," gulped Roger. The full realization of what he had done was beginning to dawn on him. "And you've tampered with vital station equipment for your own personal use," added Connel. With a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, Roger noticed the major was strangely quiet in his interrogation.

As the weeks went on, and the tentacles of his priesthood, coming into contact with his doubts and failing to penetrate them, by slow degrees relaxed their grip on him, by those same slow degrees, he felt his manhood yielding to the insistent demands of nature's law upon her votaries. As yet, however, he had no realization that now the ultimate result was but a matter of time.