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"May I kiss the other cheek now?" I asked. She turned it to me, and when I had kissed it rapturously, I gazed into her eyes, which looked back, bright and unabashed, into mine. "I think I think I made a slight mistake, Yoletta," I said. "What I meant to ask was, will you let me kiss you where I like on your chin, for instance, or just where I like?" "Yes; but you are keeping me too long.

"Oh, what a surprise!" came the cry in loud laughing tones. "How do you do, everybody? Just thought I would step in as I was passing, and have a cup of tea, don't you know." "My boy! My boy! Oh, how good to see you!" cried Mrs Asplin rapturously. Mellicent gurgled with surprise, and Peggy stood up by her chair and stretched out both arms like a child to its mother.

"You are enchanting this evening," he said, looking at her rapturously, "and I have never so much regretted that you were in such a hurry to get married. . . . What was it for? I know you did it for our sake, but . . ." With a shaking hand he drew out a roll of notes and said: "I got the money for my lessons today, and can pay your husband what I owe him."

"My dear, it may interest you to know that your mother possesses a great deal of that abomination known as pride. I have not spent so much as a penny of Lutie Carof my daughter-in-law's money. You look surprised. Have you been thinking so ill of me as that? Did you believe that I—" Anne threw her arms about her mother's neck, and kissed her rapturously.

"And I am sure it will be good for you to stay with me," said Margaret, answering an unspoken objection in her mind. "Good for me? It is delicious it is lovely!" cried Janetta, rapturously. "I have never had anything so nice in my whole life. Dear Margaret, you are so good and so kind if there were only anything that I could do for you in return!

Studious to recommend himself to her notice, and indifferent by what means, one moment he flippantly extolled the entertainments of the town; and the next, rapturously described the charms of the country.

"Some day," he added, "I am coming here to settle down with you to enjoy it all, and when I do I mean to let four legs carry me whenever there is the least excuse for so doing. My own have done enough pacing of the quarter-deck to have earned that indulgence." "And won't it be just paradise," cried Peggy rapturously. They were now nearing the paddock.

You will be so beautiful in it!" said the poet, gazing rapturously at Agar. I was called on to the stage just at this moment, and on returning a few minutes later I found the young poet talking in a low voice to the beautiful tragedienne. I coughed, and Agar, who had taken my arm-chair, wanted to give it me back. On my refusing it she pulled me down on to her lap.

At this moment, we noticed some excitement among a few young ladies standing near a songstress who had just been rapturously applauded. A gentleman of commanding appearance, but deadly pale, was speaking to her, in a tone loud enough to be heard by those standing by.

"Oh, you king of hearts!" she exclaimed. "And shall we have a church wedding, and just kill 'em?" Abbott laughed boyishly. "No you must remember that your connection with show-life is at an end." "But and then and so," cried Fran rapturously, "I'm to have a home after all, with flower-gardens and carpets and things a sure-enough home Abbott, a home with you!