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At one moment she thought of hiding away her baskets and raffia, but she was very, very hungry by this time, and with the baskets lay her only chance of being able to buy food, and oh, she needed food badly. She needed it so much that at last, from sheer exhaustion, she had to stop and lie down on the ground to recover herself. It was then that Huldah first caught sight of Dick.

"I made mention last year about your fine work in basketry, and am glad to do so again. I like your teacher's idea of utilizing native material, corn husk, dried grasses and reeds, all from our own Garden Spot, and a few colored strands of raffia from Madagascar, and forming them into baskets.

How with me a kid in the crib, my my brother's face was crushed in with a heel and a spur all night, sometimes, she cries in her sleep begging to go back to find the graves. All day she sits making raffia wreaths to take back making wreaths making wreaths!" "Say, ain't that tough!" "It's a godsend she's got the eyes to do it. It's wonderful the way she reads in English, too.

With a thread of hemp, less easily attacked than a strip of raffia, I bind the hind-legs of an adult Mouse together, a little above the heels; and I slip one of the prongs in between. To bring the thing down one has only to slide it a little way upwards; it is like a young Rabbit hanging in the window of a poulterer's shop. Five Necrophori come to inspect what I have prepared.

He was teaching the boy basket-making. Not that he knew anything about it himself; but, by means of a blind teacher, he kept just one lesson ahead. The ward was intensely interested. It found something absurd and rather touching in this tall, serious young man with the surprisingly deft fingers, tying raffia knots. "I want her to have it," he said.

=Furniture.= The problem of furniture for the school playhouse has been discussed in numerous publications, and nearly every writer on the subject of primary handwork offers suggestions on this topic. The suggestions include a range in materials and processes from very simple foldings in paper to quite complex processes in reeds and raffia and methodical construction in wood.

Perry grew anxious if they were long away, and nervous if she were left alone when the light began to fade. They stepped along so briskly that by half-past two they were in the town, and making their way to the shop where Miss Rose had bought the raffia before. The purchase took a little time, for the shopman had not enough out, and had to send to the stock-room to get some.

The raffia hammock, almost the equivalent of the natural network of the couch-grass, scarcely disturbs the burying-process. Matters do not proceed quite so quickly; and that is all. No attempt is made to shift the Mole, who sinks into the ground where he lies. When the operation is finished, I remove the trivet. The network is broken at the spot where the corpse was lying.

O my God!" "My wreaths!" "Here darling here!" From the floor beside her, the raffia wreath half in the making, Mrs. Coblenz reached up, pressing it flat to the heaving old bosom. "There, darling, there!" "I paid with my blood " "Yes, yes, mamma; you paid with your blood. Mamma sit, please. Sit and let's try to think. Take it slow, darling it's like we can't take it in all at once.

She's beyond any of the poor fixings we could do for her. You never saw her face like that before. Look!" "The wreaths the wreaths!" He picked up the raffia circle, placing it back again against the quiet bosom. "Poor little lady!" he said. "Shila that's left for us to do. You and me, Shila we'll take the wreaths back for her." "My darling my darling mother! I'll take them back for you!