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They have reached the bone, when one of them finds the string of raffia beneath his mandibles. This, to him, is a familiar thing, representing the grass-thread so frequent in burials in turfy soil. Tenaciously the shears gnaw at the bond; the fibrous fetter is broken; and the Mouse falls, to be buried soon after.

It was not large, a florist's box of dark green cardboard; Harriet untied the raffia string, and investigated the mass of silky tissue paper. Inside was an orchid. She took it out, a delicate cluster of flaky blossoms, poised carelessly, like little white hearts, on the limp stem. She opened the accompanying envelope, and found Ward's card. On the back he had written,

O my God!" "My wreaths!" "Here, darling, here!" From the floor beside her, the raffia wreath half in the making, Mrs. Coblenz reached up, pressing it flat to the heaving old bosom. "There, darling, there!" "I paid with my blood " "Yes, yes, mama; you paid with your blood. Mama sit, please. Sit and let's try to think. Take it slow, darling; it's like we can't take it in all at once.

I think I'll lay in a hardware line after we we get back. I can use the lower shelf of the china-table, eh, ma?" Mrs. Horowitz, whose face, the color of old linen in the yellowing, emerged rather startling from the still black hair strained back from it, lay back in her chair, turning her profile against the upholstered back, half a wreath and a trail of raffia sliding to the floor.

All night, sometimes, she cries in her sleep begging to go back to find the graves. All day she sits making raffia wreaths to take back making wreaths making wreaths!" "Say, ain't that tough!" "It's a godsend she's got the eyes to do it. It's wonderful the way she reads in English, too. There ain't a daily she misses. Without them and the wreaths I dunno I just dunno.

The Mole is now fixed by a strap of raffia fore and aft to a light horizontal cross-bar resting on two firmly-planted forks. It is like a joint of venison on the spit, eccentrically fastened. The dead animal touches the ground throughout the length of its body. The Necrophori disappear under the corpse and, feeling the contact of its fur, begin to dig.

Opposite her, above the crowded mantelpiece and surmounted by a raffia wreath, the enlarged-crayon gaze of her deceased maternal grandfather, abetted by a horrible device of photography, followed her, his eyes focusing the entire room at a glance.

The habits of constructiveness may be developed in different sorts of media. The order of their availability is roughly as follows: first, in the use of materials such as wood, clay, raffia, etc.; second, in the use of pencil and brush with color, etc.; third, in the use of words.