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Harry has been appointed as Quincy's executor in place of Dr. Culver, and, this is the wonderful thing, father has induced Harry to leave Mr. Carter's office and go into his office. He told Harry that they were all getting old and they needed young blood in the firm but Harry's not in the firm yet. No more this time from your loving,

Benson and Quincy were now in the alley, and again a pistol spoke Quincy's, this time and the fat cigar left the Captain's mouth in two pieces. "Hands up, all three of you," yelled Quincy, "or we'll shoot to kill! Found out, haven't you, that we can shoot some? That's our trade. Up with your hands!" Both Captain and mate raised their hands, but the former protested.

Quincy's first coming to town, and his exciting experiences during his four months' residence at Mason's Corner, formed the principal topics of conversation, and Alice appreciated more fully than ever her husband's persistency, which had shown itself as strongly in doing good to others as it had in manifesting love for herself. When they reached the Hawkins House Mrs.

From the latter came a message extending a hearty invitation to come to Vertano. Young Quincy's wound though painful, and particularly uncomfortable, was not serious. Tom was his constant companion and attendant while Quincy passed nearly all his time with his wife. She improved rapidly and their departure was delayed only until young Quincy's wound was healed.

He left the store quickly and made his way to where Ezekiel was waiting for him with the carryall. "Now, 'Zeke, we'll go to the Hospital and see poor Hiram." They found him hobbling about on crutches in the grounds of the Hospital. "How long have you been here, Hiram?" was Quincy's first question. "About twelve weeks. You see, besides breaking my leg I cracked my knee pan an' that's made it wuss."

Two young men who sat behind Quincy and his friend were accused of causing the disturbance. They indignantly denied any knowledge of it and left the theatre threatening a suit for damages. Further investigation by the minions of the law discovered the bell fastened to the hat-holder beneath Quincy's seat, while the string that served as a bell pull was under Tom's foot.

And that this particular important Article in the Brewing Oeconomy may be better understood, I shall here recite Dr. Quincy's Opinion of Malt Liquors, viz.

To Lena, fortune and misfortune were still things of outward import, and almost synonymous with possession and non-possession. Yet, in spite of Mrs. Quincy's dour looks, Lena found herself singing as she moved swiftly about the room. Spontaneous joy was a rare thing with her. The first peep into the delectable world was entrancing.

A presidential campaign was on, and speakers, for there were few orators, were in demand. Quincy's visits to so many cities inspecting the Company's stores had brought him in contact with hundreds of local politicians. One day there came a call from the State Committee to come in and see the Secretary. "Do you want to do something for the party?" asked Mr. Thwing, the Secretary.

I want to see my little nephew, Quincy's boy, and then we are going right back to London." "Come with me," said Alice, "and see the baby, but Aunt Ella and I will never consent to your leaving us so soon. You must pay us a long visit." "I would," replied Maude, "but for one thing father said to me. We will stay over night, for I have so much to tell both of you."