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"Rather not; nor Wragg but what do you say to Wallas?" "He's muffed quarter-back rather this term, but I daresay he might do for one." "Well then, what about Braintree?" "Too big a swell," said Bowler. "But he's got a rifle at home." "Oh, ah! all serene. Stick him down." "What do you say to having them in, and talking it over before we ask any one else?"

As the red matched his flannel underwear and his flushed face, he said he was for the university, and then the boys explained the game, about carrying the ball, getting touchdowns, kicking goal, and half-back and quarter-back, and when the teams came in and the crowd yelled, Uncle Ike felt hurt, because it made so much noise, and people acted crazy.

As a relief to his feelings, he shouted pungent criticism at Quarter-back Hinton. "Well," he said finally, "which do you want and when do you want him?" "I guess we'll take Thayer," was the answer, "Tell him to report tomorrow, will you? Much obliged, old man." "You're not welcome, confound you! Now get out of here! And tell George this is the last player he gets from me this Fall!"

Gardiner, followed by the professor and a little army of privileged spectators, raced along the line. "He'll make it," muttered the head coach. "They can't stop him!" One line after another went under the feet of the two players. The pursuit was falling behind. Twenty yards remained to be covered. Then the waiting quarter-back, white-faced and desperate, was upon them.

The little quarter-back had come to an end of his career, for Tom had been as quick as he and had caught him round the waist as he attempted to pass, and brought him to the ground. The cheers were hearty, for the two half-backs were the only University men in the team, and there were hundreds of students among the spectators.

The baffling thing about their play was a sudden shift; the quarter-back began to shout his numbers, then he yelled "Shift" and with a quick jump several members of the Wilton team took new positions; almost instantly the pigskin was snapped and before the Ridgley players had the Wilton runner down, the ball was five or ten yards nearer their goal line.

Many people regard the position of quarter-back as the most important on the team. He is virtually the field captain. A good quarter-back must be an all around player of the highest order. He must first of all have a good head and be able to run off the plays of his team without confusion. He must keep his head under the most trying circumstances.

Tom even came out to the Recreation Ground at Crosshill, and practised with the Conquerors as goalkeeper, and promised well in that position, but through some cause or other he did not play when the eventful day came. If ever a man could handle a ball and kick a goal as a quarter-back in a Rugby game, it was Chaloner.

"It's all well enough for you fellows to pretend that you know what's going to happen when the quarter-back shouts a lot of numbers to you," observed Amy, hugging his knees and exposing a startling view of crushed-raspberry socks, "but I'm too old a bird no pun intended this time to be caught. Besides, I played once for a couple of weeks, and I know that signals didn't mean anything to me."

If we iver tackle the Spaniards, there'll be many a mama's baby on board this hooker cryin' for home, swate home." "Hod," a six-footer, who played quarter-back on a famous team not long ago, took out his notebook and made an entry. "I'll spot that fellow and make him eat his words before we get into deep water," he said, quietly.