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From this pack she took out two nicely bound books with a cross engraved on the cover, and offered them to Stepan Trofimovitch. "Et... mais je croisque c'est l'Evangile... with the greatest pleasure.... Ah, now I understand.... Vous etes ce qu'on appelle a gospel-woman; I've read more than once.... Half a rouble?" "Thirty-five kopecks," answered the gospel-woman. "With the greatest pleasure.

Meanwhile, of all wanderers in Cock Lane, none is more beguiled than sturdy Common-sense, if an explanation is to be provided. Beautiful instances of common-sense explanations, occur in two stories of the last century, the St. Maur affair , and the haunted house of Amiens, . The author of 'Ce qu'on doit penser de l'aventure arrivee a Saint Maur, was M. Poupart, canon of St. Maur, near Paris.

She never killed anyone, she said at her trial. Just an ordinary peasant girl she seemed "la plus simple bergerette qu'on veit onques" with no apparent distinction but a sweet and attractive voice. To be sure, she could put that sweet voice to shrewd use when she pleased. "What tongue do your Visions speak?" a theologian kept asking her.

'Savoir s'il est encore tems de declarer les billets qu'on a sur la steure. si on en specifie le numero dans la declaration. If one is to specify the No. in the declaration? "In Hirsch's hand, this part: "Which of these Two was the Serpent, which the Eve, in this STEUER-SCHEIN Tree of Knowledge, that grew in the middle of Paradise, remains entirely uncertain.

Madame Necker writes of women: "Les femmes tiennent la place de ces lagers duvets qu'on introduit dans les caisses de porcelaine; on n'y fait point d'attention, mais si on les retire, tout se brise."

But as if he knew that in this she was blinding herself, and that no one can escape the influences of surroundings, he held the child back from him, and said with a smile: "Coum est qu'on vos portest?" Now the child with elfish sense of the situation replied in Jersey English: "Naicely, thenk you." "You see," said Ranulph to Guida, "there are things in us stronger than we are.

J'allai ensuite au puits qu'on nomme puits de Jacob, parce que Jacob y fut jeté par ses frères. Il y a l

II y a aussi un autre bâtiment miraculeux qu'on a changé en église. C'étoit auparavant une maison de Juifs. Un jour que ces gens-l

A Man was sitting near a Lady & very angry he was, & attempted often to hiss, but was for some time kept quiet by the Lady. At last he lost all Patience and exclaimed, "Ma Foi, Madame, Je ferai ici comme si jétais en Angleterre on fait tout ce qu'on plait." And away he went to hiss; with what effect his determination a l'Angloise was attended, I have mentioned.