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"A ce filon, s'en joignent d'autres plus embarrassans. Ils viennent du toit, qu'ils divisent par de larges fentes comblées, aboutissantes au filon principale. Ils font de même calcaires et marins faits par couches; mais ces couches ont une si grande inclinaison, que je ne puis les comprendre: il faut qu'il y ait eu d'étranges bouleversemens dans ces endroits-l

He made the moody Nemours comprehend that, in truth, he had no reason to complain of an inevitable liaison, "qui ne lui devoit pas être suspecte, puisqu'on voulait lui en rendre compte, et ne s'en servir que pour lui donner la principale part aux affaires." At the same time, "he urged M. le Prince to occupy himself with Madame de Châtillon, and to give her in freehold the estate of Merlon."

La Salle himself says, "La hauteur nous a fait remarquer... que ce que nous avons vue, le sixieme janvier, estoit en effet la principale entree de la riviere que nous cherchions." As Joutel, with a boat's crew, was vainly trying to land, a party of Indians swam out through the surf, and were taken on board; but La Salle could learn nothing from them, as their language was wholly unknown to him.

"Concerning the Bardi, my authority for making them originally popolani is G. Villani. He says, c. xxxix., 'e gia cominciavano a venire possenti i Frescobaldi e Bardi e Mozzi ma di piccolo cominciamento. And c. lxxxi. 'e questi furono le principale case de Guelfi che uscirono di Firenze.

Nature made health, and at the same time it was necessary by a kind of concomitance that the source of diseases should be opened up. The same thing applies with regard to virtue; the direct action of Nature, which brought it forth, produced by a counter stroke the brood of vices. Existimat autem non fuisse hoc principale naturae consilium, ut faceret homines morbis obnoxios.

They say in Siena that Duccio, in the year 1348, gave the design for the chapel that is in the square, against the wall of the Palazzo Principale; and it is read that there lived in his times a sculptor and architect of passing good talent from the same country, named Moccio, who made many works throughout all Tuscany, and particularly one in the Church of S. Domenico in Arezzo, namely, a tomb of marble for one of the Cerchi, which tomb acts as support and ornament for the organ of the said church; and although it may appear to some that it is not a very excellent work, yet, if it is considered that he made it while still a youth, in the year 1356, it cannot but seem passing good.

A Pest je traversai le Danube et entrai dans Bude sept jours après mon départ de Belgrade. Bude, la principale ville de Hongrie, est sur une hauteur beaucoup plus longue que large. Au levant elle a le Danube, au couchant un vallon, et au midi un palais qui commande la porte de la ville, palais qu'a commencé l'empereur, et qui, quand on l'aura fini, sera grand et fort.

Quoique la ville ait beaucoup de belles églises, la plus remarquable, ainsi que la principale, est celle de Sainte-Sophie, le patriarche se tient, et autres gens comme chanonnes (chanoines). Elle est de forme ronde, située près de la pointe orientale, et formée de trois parties diverses; l'une souterraine, l'autre hors de terre, la troisième supérieure