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The latter afterwhile came to have a gallery in which the public was sometimes treated to games and combats between lions, tigers, and elephants. There also criminals and heretics were frequently carried and flung to the beasts. Nor did the Prince fail to recall that in those cycles the sovereigns resided preferably in the Bucoleon, eastwardly by the sea of Marmora.

Put a piece of butter in a stewpan, with an onion cut in pieces, a few cloves, salt and pepper, a tablespoonful of shredded parsley, and if you have it some good gravy or meat juice and water. Throw into the sauce some cold meat, preferably underdone, and after it has simmered for fifteen minutes take a cut onion and rub with it the bottom of the dish that you are going to use.

"Preferably," answered Cecilia, keeping very close to Cora. The noises had ceased. The girls halted, waiting for a sound to give them the clue of direction. "He's dead!" gasped Cecilia. "It was the drink he got the drink, and then died!" "As long as he got it," whispered Cora. She was anxious to catch another "groan."

If ye turn aside from the grievous sins, of those which ye are forbidden to commit, we will cleanse you from your smaller faults; and will introduce you into paradise with an honorable entry. Covet not that which God hath bestowed on some of you preferably to others.

The young boys from the hamlet came wooing over the downs and hung round the hut preferably on the warm nights; but she hid herself and was afraid of them. "She takes after the bad side of the family," said Sören, when he saw how tightly she kept her window closed. "She takes after the fine side," said the mother then. "Just you wait and see, she will marry a gentleman's son."

The meat, preferably beef, was to be scraped or minced, made into cakes and cooked in a very warm skillet until the cakes turned gray within. These meat cakes were to be eaten three times a day, seasoned with salt and a little pepper. The doctor had a very successful practice, which is attested by many who were benefited when ordinary medical skill failed. His diet was not well balanced.

Remove the bones, but keep the skin with the meat. Chop it up. Place in dish or jar, salting very lightly. Over the chopped-up meat place a plate and on this a weight, and allow it to press over night. Then it is ready to slice and serve. This is very convenient for outings. Fish should preferably be baked or broiled.

It was a pleasurable insanity which induced you to take part in a rather preposterously silly and undignified action: and once this action was performed, the insanity, of course, gave way to mutual tolerance, or to dislike, or, more preferably, as de Soyecourt considered, to a courteous oblivion of the past.

In a flash the big automatic was out of the mate's pocket and he was shooting as fast as he could pull trigger, while all hands fled to shelter. But, as he had long since told me, he was no shot and could effectively use the weapon only at close range muzzle to stomach preferably.

In order that gas of poor quality or gas diluted with a large proportion of air may be utilized, an igniting arrangement is employed which operates as follows: I is a vessel containing a supply of hydrocarbon oil, preferably of volatile character.