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'A rose-coloured letter ? 'Yes, said the woman, looking at him with surprise. 'And tell me what happened afterwards. I may perhaps be able to help you, my child, if you tell me all you know. 'And then, reverendo, the police brought back the Colonel who had been murdered in the streets and I who had his Excellency's dinner on the table waiting for him! 'And

On our side, the appointment was made. We left the house. IN consenting to receive the General's representative, it is needless to say that I merely desired to avoid provoking another quarrel. If those persons were really impudent enough to call at the hotel, I had arranged to threaten them with the interference of the police, and so to put an end to the matter.

It was a very dark night, and no doubt her escape was easily enough effected. If any proof of the prisoner's guilt were needed, her flight from justice surely renders it. Miss Catheron's friends have been permitted from the first to visit her at their pleasure and bring her what they chose the result is to be seen to-day. The police, both of our town and the metropolis, are diligently at work.

"Are you sure that you did not go out?" "Absolutely sure. And I am also sure that I have never been to the Cafe du Pont-Neuf, of which I had never even heard." "Good. Next question. Why, when you learned all about this business, did you not go to the Prefect of Police or the examining magistrate?

If you do not, I shall complain tomorrow morning to the consul and to the Chief of Police and you shall be punished." "H'm!" The policeman was in doubt; she had spoken with a plain effect of meaning what she said, and a policeman's head upon a charger is a small sacrifice for a courteous Chief to offer to a lady friend. He tried to be reasonable with her.

A search had been made for this money in every possible place of concealment among the dead man's belongings, and it had not been found. Muller asked the Police Commissioner to give him the key to the rooms, which were still officially closed, and also the keys to the dead man's pieces of baggage.

Up went the hands to the shouldered rifles in salute, and the young soldier, the cause of all the gathering which the police were now trying to disperse, whirled quickly, and with something suspiciously like tears in his fine dark eyes, was seen to be eagerly speaking to the veteran officer.

For a family in our situation, the Superintendent of the Frizinghall police was the most comforting officer you could wish to see. Mr. Seegrave was tall and portly, and military in his manners. He had a fine commanding voice, and a mighty resolute eye, and a grand frock-coat which buttoned beautifully up to his leather stock.

The next report gave his name as Le Chevalier, from Caen, and more information was demanded of Caffarelli. The Prefect of Calvados replied that the description tallied with that of a man who had often been denounced to him as an incorrigible royalist; he was easy to recognise as he had lost the use of his left arm: The police received orders not to lose sight of this person.

Now, I want to say just this to you, sir; I am going to the nearest police station and swear out a warrant for your arrest. I can't hold you myself, but I can do the next best thing. I can land you in jail for attempted murder." Colonel Grand stared at him with uncomprehending eyes, a sickly smile on his lips. "You know better than " he began. David cut him short with an exclamation.