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Fortunately, they were both in ignorance of this amazing, stupefying fact that her fellow-traveller the "gallant rescuer" about whom Pobs had so joyously chaffed her had signified in the most unmistakable fashion that he wanted nothing more to do with her, and by the time the dinner-bell sounded, Diana had herself well in hand so well that she was even able to ask in tones of quite casual interest if any one knew who were the strangers in church that morning?

"We've all got our share of heaven, my dear," he said at last, smiling a little. "But I'm thinking yours may need some hard chiselling of fate to bring it into prominence." Diana wriggled her shoulders. "It doesn't sound nice, Pobs. I don't in the least want to be chiselled into shape, it reminds one too much of the dentist." "The gentleman who chisels out decay?

And again if it were true how naturally and easily it explained that little unconscious air of hauteur and authority that she had so often observed in him the "lordly" air upon which she had laughingly remarked to Pobs, when describing the man who had been her companion on that memorable railway journey, when death had drawn very near them both and then had passed them by.

Miss Stair and Jerry were almost forcibly holding him down in his seat when I left them. He's disposed to bolt out of the hall and await results at the hotel." Diana laughed outright. "How like him! Poor Pobs!" "You'd better give him a special smile when you get on the platform to reassure him," continued Max, his blue eyes smiling down at her.

On the contrary, she was sorely tempted to snuggle down again amongst the pillows, but the knowledge that it wanted only half an hour to breakfast-time exercised a deterrent influence and she made her way with all haste to the bath-room, somewhat shamefully pleased to reflect that, being Easter Sunday, Pobs would be officiating at the early service, so that she would escape the long trudge down to the sea with him for their usual morning swim.

"He's that handy with a child, sir, you wouldn't think 'Deed you wouldn't." Then, stooping to the baby as it ate its supper, "But I'm saying, young woman, is there no sleep in your eyes to-night?" "No, but nodding away here like a wood-thrush in a tree," said Pete. He was ladling the pobs into the child's mouth, and scooping the overflow from her chin. "Sleep's a terrible enemy of this one, sir.

"Go up and put on a pair of dry shoes and then come down and sing to me." And once again she found herself meekly obeying him. By the time she had returned to the drawing-room, Pobs and Errington were choosing the songs they wanted her to sing, while Joan was laughingly protesting that they had selected all those with the most difficult accompaniments.

"I'll I'll marry him, Pobs," she whispered. So it came about that when, two days later, Max took his way to 24 Brutton Square, the gods had better gifts in store for him than he had dared to hope. He was pacing restlessly up and down her little sitting-room when she entered it, and she could see that his face bore traces of the last few days' anxiety.

He lost his good-conduct badge for christening the Commissioner's wife "Pobs"; but nothing that the Colonel could do made the Station forego the nickname, and Mrs. Collen remained Mrs. "Pobs" till the end of her stay. So Brandis was christened "Coppy," and rose, therefore, in the estimation of the regiment.

But now, with a sudden flash of insight, engendered by the Russian's dexterous suggestion, she realised that it was jealousy, sheer primitive jealousy of another woman that had gripped her, and her young, wholesome, spontaneous nature recoiled in horrified self-contempt at the realisation. Pobs' good counsel came back to her mind: "It seems to me that if you love him, you needs must trust him."