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I know he's makin' fun of me; and it isn't kind, is it, Mr. Hubbard?" She did not give the least notice to the things that the others looked at, or to Kinney's modest lecture upon the manners and customs of the loggers. She kept a little apart with Bartley, and plied him with bravadoes, with pouts, with little cries of suspense. In the midst of this he heard Mr.

What strange feelings must have stirred in his little white soul when he first smelled carpet! But it was all so strange to him that day I doubt if he felt more than I did when I first travelled to my private school, reading "Tales of a Grandfather," and plied with tracts and sherry by my 'father's man of business.

The "motley fool" retailed his jest, the juggler performed his feat, the minstrel plied his harp, and the lady touched a softer string. All made room as through this throng the King came to greet his guest. And now, his courtesy to show, His splendid form, his eagle eyes, his light footstep, his merry laugh and speaking glance made him envied of men and adored of women.

Three times the invaders were beaten back with heavy loss, and after each repulse the attack was renewed with fresh vigour, while within the entrenchments the pioneers still plied the pick and shovel, undismayed by the uproar around them.

Thieves and robbers plied their trade with impunity: yet they were hardly so terrible to peaceable citizens as another class of ruffians. It was a favourite amusement of dissolute young gentlemen to swagger by night about the town, breaking windows, upsetting sedans, beating quiet men, and offering rude caresses to pretty women.

Nor were these men slow to return hospitality, and Chloe Elliston was entertained royally in halls of lavish splendour, and plied with costly gifts and rare.

Joe entered the cabin and sat down, and William Bodley plied him with questions, all of which he answered to the best of his ability. "There was a blue tin box I had," said he, presently, "that contained some documents that were mine." "A blue tin box!" ejaculated Joe. "Hiram Bodley had it and it got lost. I found it a long time afterwards and some parts of the documents were destroyed.

Another terror even greater had come before the century ended: An act of treachery had been commited by a citizen of Andover, a Captain Chubb, who had in 1693 been in command of Fort Pemaquid, and having first plied a delegation of Penobscot Indians with liquor, gave orders for their massacre while still in their drunken sleep.

Now and then on the hillside, in some little clearing, the fodder stood in loose, bulging shocks bound with green withes, while some old man or half-grown lad plied his husking-peg in the corn spread out before him, working with the swiftness and the dexterity of a machine, ripping the husk with one stroke of the wooden peg bound to his middle finger, and snapping the ear at its socket, and tossing it into the air, where it gleamed like a piece of gold.

Yet the young student busily plied her task; nor was she surprised into looking up by the stopping of the stranger behind her chair.