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"However, I took out the panel and stood by to watch the result. Piragoff peered into the cupboard and uttered a growl of disappointment. "'There is nothing there but books and those boxes. Lift the boxes down, pig, and let us see what is in them. "I lifted the boxes from the shelf. "'They are very light, I said. 'And here are two pistols on top of them.

But what had made me connect this man with Piragoff? He was clearly a Russian. He looked like a villain. He had the manner of a Nihilist or violent criminal of some kind. But all this was nothing. It formed no rational basis for the conviction that possessed me. "There was his hair; a coarse, wiry mop of a queer grayish-brown.

Piragoff gazed round the room with the frank curiosity of the barbarian, and the look of pleased surprise that he bestowed on the safe and the way in which his glance traveled from that object to my person were easy enough to interpret. Here was an iron safe, presumably containing valuables, and here was an elderly man with the key of that safe in his pocket. The corollary was obvious.

I wanted Piragoff; and it was only the new-born hope that I should yet lay my hand on him that carried me through that time of bitter disappointment." Intense was the curiosity with which I turned to the last entry in Humphrey Challoner's "Museum Archives." Not that I had any doubt as to the issue of the adventure that it recorded.

"The interval between Wednesday and Saturday was a time of anxious thought and considerable excitement. I went out every night, and had the pleasure of discovering that I was honored by the attendance at a little distance of Mr. Piragoff. One evening only I eluded him, and watched him drive off furiously in a hansom in pursuit of another hansom which was supposed to contain me.

As I very deliberately turned the hidden catches and prepared to take out the panel, I considered whether it was not time to set the apparatus going. For I had prepared a little surprise for Piragoff and I was now rather doubtful how he would take it. Besides, I was not enjoying the proceedings as much as I had expected to. Piragoff's lack of nerve was disconcerting.

But none of these appliances was visible. The shaded lamp threw its bright light on the table only. "Piragoff came across the room and laid down the pistols. "'Open those boxes, he said gruffly, 'and let us see what is in them. "I took off the lid of one; and Piragoff started back with a gasp, but came back, snuffing at the box like a frightened animal.

'Aha! said he, 'I am that sort of fool myself. He laughed uneasily, being evidently sorry he had spoken, and continued: "'And you can get all this when you want it, hein? But where is it now? "I smiled slyly. 'It is in a sort of private museum; but where that museum is I am not going to say, or perhaps I may find it empty when I call. "Piragoff looked at me earnestly.

And he was actually terrified at the sight of a few irregularly-shaped fragments of phosphate of lime and gelatine. I repeat, it was amazing. "Piragoff recovered only to develop the ferocity of a frightened ruffian. "'Where is the stuff, fool? he demanded. 'Show it to me quickly or I will cut your throat. Quick! Let us get it and go. "I watched him warily.

Piragoff was out of my hands, and what I had seen only made it more imperative that I should prevent further bloodshed. "As, once more, I softly opened the slide, the voices of the miserable wretches within came to me in a strange and unpleasant mixture of curses, blasphemies and hysterical sobs.