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Martin," continued that lady enthusiastically, "that your just setting your foot down square on that Peaseley and that Barstow, BOTH OF 'EM and choosing your own assistant yourself a plain young fellow with no frills and fancies, but one that you could set about making all the changes you like, was just the biggest thing you ever did for Pine Clearing."

Peaseley has to say about it." Could he believe his senses? There was a decided flush in the woman's pale face, and the first note of independence and asperity in her voice. That night, in the privacy of his conjugal chamber, Mr. Sperry relieved his mind to another of the enigmatical sex, the stout Southwestern partner of his joys and troubles. But the result was equally unsatisfactory.

"Miss Peaseley," sed I, gittin up and dustin myself, "you must be more careful with them store teeth of your'n or you'll have to gum it agin!" Methinks I had her. I'd bin to work hard all the week, and I felt rather snoozy. I'm 'fraid I did git half asleep, for on hearin the minister ask, "Why was man made to mourn?" I sed, "I giv it up," havin a vague idee that it was a condrum.

She was called old lady Peaseley, and a halo of aristocracy encircled her, although she had been in the poor-house thirty years, for her grandfather had been the first minister of Welby. "I declare, if there ain't Mirandy a-comin' up the lane this blessed minute! Talk about angels, you know. Seems if she looked kinder peaked and meachin', though most gen'ally as pert's a lizard.

"I fear there's some extraordinary mistake here," said Mr. Peaseley, with a chilling Christian smile. "Not a bit of it. He's got a letter from Sam for one of ye. Yere, Charley what's your name! Com yere. Yere's all yer three bosses waiting for ye." And the supposed expressman and late narrator of amusing stories came forward and presented his credentials as the assistant teacher of Pine Clearing.

The trustees, Sperry and Jackson, had marveled, but were glad enough to accept the popular verdict only Mr. Peaseley still retained an attitude of martyr-like forbearance and fatigued toleration towards the new assistant and his changes. As to Mrs. Martin, she seemed to accept the work of Mr.

He, however, roused himself for a last appeal. "Mrs. Martin," he said in a lower voice, "I ought to tell you that the Reverend Mr. Peaseley strongly doubts the competency of that young man." "Didn't Mr. Barstow make a selection at your request?" asked Mrs. Martin, with a faint little nervous cough. "Yes but" "Then his competency only concerns ME and I don't see what Mr.

"I presume," said the Rev. Mr. Peaseley, slowly, "that as our good brother Barstow, in the urgency of the occasion, has, to some extent, anticipated OUR functions in engaging this assistant, he is a a satisfied with his capacity?"

Yet there was the letter in Mr. Peaseley's hands from Barstow, introducing Mr. Charles Twing as the first assistant teacher in the Pine Clearing Free Academy! The three men looked hopelessly at each other. An air of fatigued righteousness and a desire to be spiritually at rest from other trials pervaded Mr. Peaseley.

Martin, I found out early this morning, when I was squaring myself with the other children, that there was this row hangin' on in fact, that there was a sort of idea that Pike County wasn't having a fair show excuse me in the running of the school, and that Peaseley and Barstow were a little too much on in every scene. In fact, you see, it was just what Tom said."