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For a moment he seemed to waver; but at last, turning the key of the padlock of the slide, he breathed through his set teeth "Ye can't have him; I'll hand him over to the consul; so for'ard with ye, I say: when there's any drowning to be done, I'll pass the word; so away with ye, ye blood-thirsty pirates."

"I 'eard her moving about, and then she comes back into the cabin. "'I can't find the key of my box, she ses, 'and it's in there. I wonder whether you've got a key that would open it. It's a padlock. "I put my 'and in my pocket and pulled out my keys. 'Shall I come and try? I ses. "'No, thank you, she ses, taking the keys. 'This looks about the size. What key is it?

She at first screamed, but they soon made her silent, and then proceeded to carry off the show-glass, with all the boxes that were contained in it. Not long after this they broke off the padlock from a toy-shop in Swithin's Alley, in Cornhill.

The thick, short plait of her fair hair had come undone and hung down dishevelled, and she paced up and down the free space of the cell, not looking at any one, turning abruptly every time she came up to the wall. When the padlock rattled and the door opened to let Maslova into the cell, all turned towards her.

Ricardo! the soup pot fastened with a padlock, the whip, and Vitalis, my poor, good master, who had died because he would not rent me to the padrone. As I passed the church I saw a little boy leaning against the wall, and I thought I recognized him. Surely it was Mattia, the boy with the big head, the great eyes and the soft, resigned look. But then he had not grown one inch!

"I guess so," laughed the other, "a dozen of them." "One will do." Dave was led through several rooms. Then they came to a partition formed of heavy timbers. In its center was a stout door with an immense padlock. "Get in there," spoke the most ferocious of his captors, giving Dave a push. Then the door was closed with a crash that showed how heavy it was.

With a new shock she recalled his presence, and, as if afraid of having incriminated herself, or someone whom she wanted to shield, walked hastily toward the door. "Please escort me to the automobile," she pleaded. Britz recognized the futility of trying to obtain further admissions from a woman in her distressful state of mind. The fear that had seized her would prove a padlock on her lips.

The corner of a small-plaited shirt-frill struggled out, as if insisting to show itself, from between his chin and the top button of his spencer; and the latter garment was not made low enough to conceal a long gold watch-chain, composed of a series of plain rings, which had its beginning at the handle of a gold repeater in Mr Nickleby's pocket, and its termination in two little keys: one belonging to the watch itself, and the other to some patent padlock.

However, he took heart, and went on with his labour, nor had he cause to repent; for on a sudden he discovered a white slab, which he took up, and under it found a door, made fast with a steel padlock, which he broke with the pick-axe, and opened the door, which covered a staircase of white marble.

"Good boy!" called one of the Italians, the lantern lighting his smiling face as it appeared framed by the trapway for an instant. "Not so very long to wait. Let you out so you go home, bimeby." Then the trapdoor was gently put tack in place, after which Jack heard the click of a padlock above to secure the barrier in place.