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But on January 23, 1883, Dore died, prematurely aged and broken down by grief, corroding disappointment and quite frenzied overwork and ambition. He never attained recognition as a historic painter among his country-folks. One canvas, however, "Tobit and the Angel," is placed in the Luxembourg, and his monument to Dumas ornaments the capital.

The Doctor tries to persuade me that it is the effect of overwork, but I have always been so from a child, and I can't get over it." "You don't look nervous, Mr. Bathurst." "No; when a man is a fair size, and looks bronzed and healthy, no one will give him credit for being nervous. I would give a very great deal if I could get over it." "I don't see that it matters much one way or the other, Mr.

Bad, sure enough, if it only arises from the further separation of classes consequent on twenty years of buying cheap and selling dear, and its accompanying overwork; or because our sons and daughters have their hearts in London club-life, or so-called "society," instead of in the old English home-duties; because farmers' sons are apeing fine gentlemen, and farmers' daughters caring more to make bad foreign music than good English cheeses.

The Girl stared at him with blank face. "You see," said the Harvester, "this is a question of ethics. Now what is a guest? A thing of a day! A person who disturbs your routine and interferes with important concerns. Why should any one be grateful for company? Why should time and money be lavished on visitors? They come. You overwork yourself. They go. You are glad of it.

This had now become insufficient. As they advanced up the Sweetwater, the mountains on either side took on snow. Frequent wading of the streams chilled them. Morning would find them numb, haggard, spiritless, unfitted for the march of the day. A week of this cold weather, lack of food, and overwork produced their effect.

For instance, you can overwork women everybody does. But you can't neglect women I defy you to. At the same time, you can neglect tramps and gypsies and all the apparent refuse of the State so long as you do not overwork it. But no beast of the field, no horse, no dog can endure long to be asked to do more than his work and yet have less than his honour. It is the same with streets.

Thanks to overwork, and still more to over-worry, it is not so now. Do not let us talk of cutting throats; though, mind you, the average of suicides, so admirably preserved by the Registrar-General and other painstaking persons, is not entirely to be depended upon.

'We know how busy you must be just now', she wrote, 'and I do hope you won't overwork; we shall all miss you very much. Friend after friend 'got away' to sport and fresh air, with promises to write and chaffing condolences, and as each deserted the sinking ship, I took a grim delight in my misery, positively almost enjoying the first week or two after my world had been finally dissipated to the four bracing winds of heaven.

But it is too late to begin again now; I was reading Kingsley's Life the other day. He used to overwork himself periodically use up the grey matter at the base of his brain, as he described it; but he had a hundred things that he wanted to do besides writing fishing, entomologising, botanising.

For an indefinable feeling of dread was coming over me, as I noted the disordered dress and the bloodshot eyes of my strange host. He had failed, then, to keep his pledges; had yielded to temptation. My hoped-for regeneration was a failure, and all was as it used to be with him. But yet it might be overwork and the strain of a night without sleep that gave him such a dissipated aspect.