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Hopkins did the housework, unaided, to save the expense of a maid. It never occurred to the politician, who had risen from the position of a poor stable-boy to one of affluence, to save his wife from this drudgery. To him poor Mary was merely one of his possessions, and it would have astonished him to know that her sharp tongue and irritable temper were due to overwork and neglect.

Drabdump's foreboding that he would die of lockjaw had not prevented her wrestling day and night with the shadow of Death, as she had wrestled with it vainly twice before, when Katie died of diphtheria and little Johnny of scarlet fever. Perhaps it is from overwork among the poor that Death has been reduced to a shadow. Mrs. Drabdump was lighting the kitchen fire.

Aunt Ann writes every Sunday. Are things better at the mills?" "Rather. Now for a gallop it puts me always in a more hopeful humour. Don't let your aunt overwork you, Leila; she will." "She can't, Uncle Jim." It was true. Leila gently rebelled against incessant good works sewing-classes for the village girls, Sunday school, and the endless errands which left no time for books.

The patient again smiled; he would soon be better, he said; there was nothing the matter with him, except a slight rheumatic fever and a little overwork. Mr. Gilchrist then inquired after his friend's circumstances, and got replies similar to his own.

Lyddell, very kindly, as Marian at length turned away from her, and stood by the fireside, where he was sitting in the arm-chair, his hands over his forehead "I must not let you overwork yourself." "O, I am not tired, if I can be of any use." "No, no, rest now, thank you," said he, in a broken, dejected tone. She went, and again found Walter in the outer room, watching for tidings of his mother.

The causes of this disease are overwork in warm weather, a plethoric condition of the system, and too stimulating food. Prof. Gamgee, of the Edinburgh Veterinary College, relates a case resulting from the presence within the external meatus of a mass of concrete cerumen, or wax, which induced inflammation of the ear, extending to the brain. Treatment.

So the workers vegetated throughout a passably comfortable existence, leading a righteous and peaceful life in all piety and probity; and their material position was far better than that of their successors. They did not need to overwork; they did no more than they chose to do, and yet earned what they needed.

'Your name is Nerves, I told him within myself, 'and you live in the land of Mental Overwork. I have still a fortnight's stretch across the country you inhabit, and if you so please you may accompany me all the way. You may even follow me into the land of Repose which lies beyond your own territory, but its air will not agree with you.

Other women might write beautiful poems; she did more. She made her life a thing of brightness and beauty. "Do you think she will die?" said Belle Gordon, bending tenderly over a pale and fainting woman, whose face in spite of its attenuation showed traces of great beauty. "Not if she is properly cared for; she has fainted from exhaustion brought on by overwork and want of proper food."

The situation suggested to her a great devotion ill-repaid, a friendship, of which the strong tyrannous man took advantage. Why should he behave as though all that happened ill with regard to his book was somehow Mrs. Burgoyne's fault? Claim all her time and strength overstrain and overwork her and then make her tacitly responsible if anything went amiss!