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Hope had warned her privately that a week would be enough of it, and that with Phil's tendency to overdo, too long a stay would be undesirable. So she stood firm, though Clarence urged a delay, and Phil seconded the proposal with all his might.

I felt his pulse, and decided that he was really becoming fatigued, and that it would be wiser not to overdo the exercise while he was so weak. Accordingly, I consented to his returning to bed, and turned him round in that direction; whereupon he tottered gleefully towards his resting-place like a tired horse heading for its stable.

Life was not really quite unbearable, and she knew it. But it relieved her to overdo it. 'I wonder how much chance there is, she mused presently. 'Mr. Elsmere will soon be ridiculous. Why, I saw him gather up those violets she threw away yesterday on Moor Crag. And as for her, I don't believe she has realised the situation a bit.

One should practice in fifteen-minute periods and rest at least ten minutes between. The student should never sing more than two hours a day one in the morning and one in the afternoon. As most singers love their work, many are inclined to overdo. "Do not tamper with the two or three extreme upper or lower tones of your voice lest you strain and ruin it permanently.

Rhoda answered whimsically. "It's the silence. It thunders at me so! I will get used to it soon. Perhaps I ought to drive. I suppose I ought to try everything." Not at all discouraged, apparently, by this lack of enthusiasm, Cartwell said: "I won't let you overdo. I'll have the top-buggy for you and we'll go slowly and carefully."

"But how is it possible to effect this?" "I reflected that it had been a point with the writer to run his words together without division, so as to increase the difficulty of solution. Now, a not over-acute man, in pursuing such an object, would be nearly certain to overdo the matter.

"I wish," he said, "if our boy ever went wrong that some one would be as true to him as I was to that poor fellow. He condemned himself; and he was right; he has behaved very badly." "You always overdo things so, when you act righteously!" "Now, Isabel!" "Oh, yes, I know what you will say. But I should have tempered justice with mercy."

You can convince a man of anything, when you try. You must convince him that if anything improper has been done, you at least are ignorant of it and sorry for it. And if you could only persuade him out of his hostility to the bill, too but don't overdo the thing; don't seem too anxious, dear." "I won't; I'll be ever so careful. I'll talk as sweetly to him as if he were my own child!

As my scattered senses began to collect, I hoped against hope that these men would keep up their drinking bout until not one of them would be able to stand. But, while they drank long and drank deeply, they were too wise by far to overdo it. Then I got to wondering what they were badgering old Jake about, for I could hear him growl and curse, his gag having fallen to the floor.

The superintendent was wise enough to avoid a mistake to which persons, placed as was he, are liable that is, he did not overdo his part. He was so happy over the return of his little sister that he was willing not only to give the old wages and time asked for by his employes, but he felt like adding to them.