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Furthermore, she had always been frugal in her diet, so that she had never sustained any harm from under or over-eating. The custom in the Chia mansion was that as soon as any one, irrespective of masters or servants, contracted the slightest chill or cough, quiet and starving should invariably be the main things observed, the treatment by medicines occupying only a secondary place.

Diabetes may be regarded as a disturbance of the adrenal-pancreas balance, assisted by events which produce adrenal overwork like great or prolonged emotion, or by strain of the pancreas, effected by over-eating for example. There are other minor glands of internal secretions. But those considered are by far the most important and the most recently explored.

Three hundred more died at Vercelli, some of sickness, others from over-eating themselves after the prolonged starvation which they had endured, and the dung-hills of the town were strewn with dead corpses. Yet still Orleans, who, as Commines remarks, had caused all this mischief, was eager for war, and entreated the king to make no terms with Signor Lodovico.

The rich are more liable than the poor to sin by gluttony; but gluttony is fatal to longevity, and they who enjoy best life, desire to live longest. 'Tis true, physicians claim that a large portion of diseases are due to over-eating and over-drinking; but it must be admitted that this is through ignorance rather than malice.

'Well, said Toole, candidly, 'I don't know the Old Testament as well as the New; but certainly, whoever he's like, he's held out wonderfully. 'Tis nine weeks since he met that accident, and there he's still, above ground; but that's all just above ground, you see. 'And how's Cluffe? 'Pooh, Cluffe indeed! Nothing ever wrong with him but occasional over-eating.

Effects of over-eating, and reflections thereon Humble advice regarding cold water The "horrible cry" accounted for The curious birds called penguins Peculiarity of the cocoa nut palm Questions on the formation of coral islands Mysterious footsteps Strange discoveries and sad sights.

Miss POTTS admitted that, excepting occasional attacks of insatiable longing for True Sympathy, chiefly produced by over-eating of pickles and slate-pencils to avert excessive plumpness, she could generally take pie twice without experiencing a subsequent reactionary tendency to piety and gloomy presentiments.

If the follicles in the back part of the pharynx or throat appear distended, and even the tonsils themselves are affected and these again are part and parcel of this same mucous membrane we can say this is due to one of several causes: either to a reflex condition from the stomach, due to over-eating or over-indulgence of some other equally deleterious sort, or to inactivity of the bowels, or to suppressed perspiration, or to improper or undue use of the vocal organs.

Maybe we will both feel better after a night's sleep. To-morrow is untouched." And the squire, looking into her pale, placid face, had not the heart to speak out his thought, which was, "Nay, nay; we have mortgaged to-morrow. Debt and fear, and the penalties of over-work and over-eating and over-feeling, will be dogging us for their dues by dayshine."

In the case of those who are not forced to over-work themselves and there are many who work themselves to death from mere inability to restrain the passion for work, which masters them as the craving for drink masters a drunkard over-work in these cases is as immoral as over-eating or drinking. This, so far as the individual is concerned.