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"He was an outspoken man, too, not afraid of the devil, and when he believed a thing he spoke it, no matter whom it hit. In this way John had been in trouble several times while we were under 'gun-rule'; and this, together with his personal character, had given him great influence in the county, and made him a power.

But she would HEAR him at least, would she not? Indeed, there was no getting away from his boyish, simple, outspoken declaration. In vain Kitty smiled, frowned, glanced at her pink cheeks in the glass, and stopped to look out of the window. The room was filled with his love it was encompassing her and, despite his shy attitude, seemed to be almost embracing her.

In that marvellous poem, outspoken praise of earthly beauty, frank enumeration of the physical charms of the lovers, thorough unreserve of imagery, are conspicuous enough. Just these features, as Wetzstein showed, are reproduced, in a debased, yet recognizable, likeness, by the modern Syrian wasf a lyric description of the bodily perfections and adornments of a newly-wed pair.

He had himself been so constantly made the object of his father's admiration and outspoken praises, and had always been so popular with all friends of the family and guests at the Manor-house, that anything like a feeling of inferiority to his brother was one which he found it very hard to allow a lodging in his heart and thoughts.

They are as common in companies of average women as in companies of average men, and they evidence thoughts, and are themselves as much coarser and lower than the outspoken utterances of Shakespeare's ideal women whom they assume to criticise and condemn as the smooth and subtle rhymes of Swinburne and Joaquin Miller are below the poetry of Chaucer and Spenser.

What you have before you is his way. You must forgive him if it isn't quite outspoken. In Paris such debts are tacit." Strether could imagine; but still ! "Even when the woman's good?" Again she laughed out. "Yes, and even when the man is! There's always a caution in such cases," she more seriously explained "for what it may seem to show.

Colquhoun, with a certain degree of sternness. "I respect the boy for his fearless questionings and outspoken sentiments, though I admit they are embarrassing at times." "I am not sure, Mr. M'Gregor, if Geoffry does not teach us a lesson sometimes." Uncle Hugh called him Geoffry, much to Jeff's amusement.

Lastly Sir James himself had been troubled; wondering whether he might not have been warmer with Ralph, more outspoken in his gratitude for the affair of the mummers, more ready to welcome an explanation from his son. The shadow of Ralph then rested on the household, and there was something of pathos in it. He was so much detached now, so lonely, and it seemed that he was content it should be so.

O'Hara's table; nor, to tell the truth, had any outspoken, clearly intelligible word of love been uttered by him to the girl. But he had been seen with them often enough, and the story had become sufficiently current at Liscannor to make Lady Mary Quin think that she was justified in sending her bad news to her friend Lady Scroope.

Similarly, it is the outspoken purpose of the promoters of the present "efficiency" movement among the business men of America.