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He did not dare to put his foot on the frail things, which he feared would break under his weight; and the oscillating movement of the body of the carriage made him terribly afraid that it would upset. At the table I had an opportunity of observing at my leisure the king and queen. The king was of medium height, and though not strictly handsome had a pleasant face.

"Did he ask you if you had read the print?" asked Connel. "No, sir," replied Troy. "If he had, I would have told him that I had." "Now," said Connel, "did you have anything to do with the so-called accident to the oscillating timing device?" "No, sir." "Do you know who did?" "No, sir." "We can put you under drugs, you know, and get the truth out of you," warned Connel.

Q. Is the piston of an oscillating engine made deeper than in common engines? A. It is expedient, in oscillating engines, to form the piston with a projecting rim round the edge above and below, and a corresponding recess in the cylinder cover and cylinder bottom, whereby the breadth of bearing of the solid part of the metal will be increased, and in many engines this is now done.

The pink-cheeked young patrolman, swinging back on his beat, tattooed with his ash night-stick on the gas-pipe frame and peered indifferently down at the battered and gibbeted crockery. "Hello, Batty," he said as he set the exhibit oscillating with a push of the knee. "How 's business?" "Pretty good," answered the patient and guttural voice.

How many small proprietors and manufacturers have not been ruined by large ones through chicanery, law-suits, and competition? Strategy, violence, and usury, such are the proprietor's methods of plundering the laborer. Thus we see property, at all ages and in all its forms, oscillating by virtue of its principle between two opposite terms, extreme division and extreme accumulation.

Crouching in the sun, near a burrow, she waits. As soon as the Halictus arrives from her harvesting, her legs yellow with pollen, the Gnat darts forth and pursues her, keeping behind her in all the turns of her oscillating flight. At last, the Bee suddenly dives indoors. No less suddenly the other settles on the mole-hill, quite close to the entrance.

Since the microphone current is absolutely distinct from the oscillating currents surging through the coil of the transformer a very small direct current flowing through a coil on the latter will vary or modulate very large oscillating currents surging through the former. Operation of the Vacuum Tube as a Modulator.

The rattle of the oscillating petticoats had distracted his own mind from a nice calculation as to the amount of a bill for a fractional amount of citron at a fractional increase in the market-price. The old clerk was about to send a cost slip with some goods to be delivered to a cash customer. "Yep," responded Sam Riggs. "I should think she'd git rattled with sech a rattlin' of her petticoats."

It was the invariable ending of poor Fred's meditations, and, however successful he might be in entering, for a time, into the spirit of fun that characterised most of the doings of his shipmates, and in following the bent of his own joyous nature, in the hours of solitude, and in the dark night, when no one saw him, his mind ever reverted to the one engrossing subject, like the oscillating needle to the pole.

Away went the cars, racketting and oscillating, while the obliging young man was looking round for another recipient of his good services. "Ha!" he muttered to himself. "There's a poor young fellow quite alone. Lovesick, perhaps; pale cheek sunken eye never told his love; but let Shakspeare I'm his man! Must look out for the old woman.