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Children play "'oppin" in dingy rooms and alleys, and talk to each other of days when the sun shone hot and birds were singing and flowers smelling sweet in the hedgerows; of others when the rain streamed down and made mud of the soft earth, and yet there was pleasure in the gipsying life, and high cheer in the fire of sticks built in the field by some bold spirit, who hung over it a tin kettle to boil for tea.

"Let the yerbs run through yer veins for two or three minits, an' ye'll step across yon fields as light as a bird 'oppin' to its nest," he declared.

She answered that "when sundrie persons came to her to seek help for their beast, their cow, or ewe, or for any barne that was tane away with ane evill blast of wind, or elf grippit, she gait and speirit at Thom what myght help them; and Thom would pull ane herb and gif her out of his awin hand, and bade her scheir the same with ony other kind of herbis, and oppin the beistes mouth, and put thame in, and the beist wald mend."

I didn't want the girl to think I was 'oppin' it like that ... sayin' nothink or anythink.... When we got to Kingstown an' 'eard we was in Ireland ... well, I mean to say, it surprised me, I tell you.... Wot I can't make out is, wot's it all about? I mean to say, wot do these chaps want?" "They want to be free!..." "But ain't they free? I mean to say, ain't they as free as me?"

Weeks along" he picked up the shabby bowler that had dropped upon the Turkey carpet "for weeks along I've been tryin' to find out what was the matter wi' me! Now I knows! I've bin 'omesick fair old 'omesick for a sniffer of the very plyce I was 'oppin' with 'appiness to git away out of four months back. Good old Gueldersdorp!" He winked the wet out of his eyes and pointed to Mrs.

Load those things in, while I run and change I'm going to drive you out to your camp," she said to Barry as she hurried away. The sergeant shook his head as he looked after her. "She's a thoroughbred, sir," he said. "We jump when she asks us for anything. She's a real blooded one; not like some, sir like some of them fullrigged ones. They keep 'er 'oppin'." "Fullrigged ones?" inquired Barry.

The victim's name was variously reported in the papers as Oppin and Eppelin, but his front name was faithfully rendered Cornelius. "If he was trying German irregular verbs on the poor beast," said Clovis, "he deserved all he got." It was Mrs. Packletide's pleasure and intention that she should shoot a tiger.

"Bein' in the advance trench, we've got on neighbourly terms like, with the Dutchies, and Tom Kelly, wot 'as just bin speakin', 'eard Bob Ellis promisin' this bloke as 'ow if 'e'd on'y 'urry up an' git killed soon enough, Bob would 'ave 'is farm and 'is frow when 'e come marchin' along to Pretoria. 'Oppin' mad the Dopper was at that, an' the names 'e called pore Bob was something disgraceful.

'Ere's a face as likes good knocks, I says, 'w'y, when I fought Crib Burke o' Bristol 'e broke 'is 'and again' my jaw, so 'e did, an' I scarce knowed 'e'd 'it me till I see 'im 'oppin' wi' the pain of it.

"Them nurses, I mean, sir. They loves to 'awe them them young 'Vaddies, as we call them V. A. D., you know, sir. They keeps 'em a 'oppin' proper scrubbin' floors, runnin' messages, but Miss Vincent, she mostly drives a car." While the sergeant was dilating upon the virtues and excellences of the young V. A. D., his men ran out her car, and packed into it the biscuit tins and coffee.