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"Sinillis est Theocritus amplo cuidam pascuo per se satis foecundo, herbis pluribus frugiferis floribusque pulchris abundanti, dulcibus etiam fluviis uvido: similis Virgilius horto distincto nitentibus areolis; ubi larga floruni copia, sed qui studiose dispositi, curaque meliore nutriti, atque exculti diligenter, olim hue a pascuo illo majore transferebantur." The Memoirs of Joseph Warton, by Dr.

However clever you young gentlemen may be, old Paracelsus spoke the holy truth: in herbis verbis et lapidibus.... I've retired from practice, you know, of course, but two or three times a week it will happen that I'm brought back to my old work. They come for advice I can't drive them away. Sometimes the poor have recourse to me for help. And indeed there are no doctors here at all.

She answered that "when sundrie persons came to her to seek help for their beast, their cow, or ewe, or for any barne that was tane away with ane evill blast of wind, or elf grippit, she gait and speirit at Thom what myght help them; and Thom would pull ane herb and gif her out of his awin hand, and bade her scheir the same with ony other kind of herbis, and oppin the beistes mouth, and put thame in, and the beist wald mend."

Pollino, he says, a polleo dictus, quod nobilibus herbis medelae commodis polleat.

To his familiars he is like a plague, whom they dare scarce come nigh for fear of infection; he is a monument ruined by those which raised him, he spends the day with a hei mihi! miserum! and the night with a nullis est medicabilis herbis. In 1626 year of the death of Francis Bacon appeared "Cures for the Itch; Characters, Epigrams, Epitaphs by H. P." with the motto "Scalpat qui Tangitur."

"There I am on and under the mountains, seeking the divine in herbis et lapidibus," says he, in Spinoza's own words; and again: "Pardon me if I like to remain silent when people speak of a divine being which I can know only in rebus singularibus."