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Prominent among the qualities contributing to his success was open-mindedness, "a willingness to be shown," to scrap machinery when his competitors still clung to older methods. The Chippering Mill had never had a serious strike, indication of an ability to deal with labour; and Mr. Ditmar's views on labour followed: if his people had a grievance, let them come to him, and settle it between them.

It is due to all who frequent a public library to find all those in charge ready and willing to aid their researches in whatever direction they may lie. Their attitude should be one of constant and sincere open-mindedness. They are to remember that it is the function of the library to supply the writings of all kinds of authors, on all sides of all questions.

"A church of all those who disseminate truth, foster open-mindedness, serve humanity and radiate faith," he replied but as though he were speaking to himself, not to me.... A few moments later there was a knock at the door, and the woman of the house entered to say that Dr. Hepburn had arrived. I rose and shook Krebs's hand: sheer inability to express my emotion drove me to commonplaces.

Sullivan, with wonderful quickness and open-mindedness, caught his meaning at once. "Much better than mine, Irving much better I'll rough it out at once!" When the orchestra played the new version, based on that humming of Henry's, it was exactly what he wanted! Knowing what a task I had before me, I began to get anxious and worried about "Lady Mac."

"A church of all those who disseminate truth, foster open-mindedness, serve humanity and radiate faith," he replied but as though he were speaking to himself, not to me.... A few moments later there was a knock at the door, and the woman of the house entered to say that Dr. Hepburn had arrived. I rose and shook Krebs's hand: sheer inability to express my emotion drove me to commonplaces.

To please me and to show her open-mindedness, she went with me to look at flats, but there was a tactless integrity about her criticism. I discovered that she judged of everything from a nursery point of view; and when I ventured to suggest that, as there were no children, a nursery was not of very great importance, she said, "You never can tell."

Moreover, "the evidence of open-mindedness can not stand against the many instances of absolute refusal to permit argument against slavery.

From the standpoint of the pupil, the resulting experiences are worth while on their own account; from the standpoint of the teacher they are also means of supplying subject matter required for understanding instruction involving signs, and of evoking attitudes of open-mindedness and concern as to the material symbolically conveyed.

They made a formidable parcel, but a little handle was supplied and the rector hurried out, swinging himself on a Tower Street car. It must not be thought that the whole of what is called modern criticism was new to Hodder. This would indeed be too much of a reflection on the open-mindedness of the seminary from which he had graduated.

He was thinking of the eager young men, including some of his kinsmen, who had gone into the campaign because they believed in him. His close friends did not follow him, but they still loved him. And it was a sign of his open-mindedness that he would listen to their opinions and even consult them, although he knew that they entirely rejected his Progressivism.