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He drank up his beer and went off 'ome, shaking his 'cad, and, arter three or four of'em 'ad explained to George Kettle wot he meant, George went off 'ome, too. The week afore Christmas, Smith, the landlord, said as 'ow he 'ad got enough money, and three days arter we all came up 'ere to see the prize drawn.

I suppose it's the house cleaning, for the rest of the year she's dry-eyed and calm." "I weep very frequently," commented Ruth. "'Tears, idle tears I wonder what they mean." "They don't mean much, in the case of a woman." "I've never seen many of'em," returned Winfield, "and I don't want to. Even stage tears go against the grain with me.

You'd a laugh'd fit to split your sides I guess, to see the stupid stare of the devils, as startin' out of their sleep, they saw a pistol within three inches of each of'em. 'Ugh, says they, as if they did'nt know well whether to take it as a joke or not.

About the Laying-time of these Fowls, Spurry-Seed and Buckwheat is an excellent strengthening Food for them. There is another thing relating to Fowls of this kind well worthy observation; and that is, of Capons being made to bring up a Brood of Chickens like a Hen, clucking of'em, brooding them, and leading them to their Meat, with as much Care and Tenderness as their Dams would do.

He has, as I may say, the future of Pennsylvania in his hand. When I think what he is doing for the friendless children thousands of'em " The punch had heated the captain's zeal to the point where words failed him. After that the friendless children swept lighter subjects out of sight. Mr.

So she staid to hum, as I say, and took care of'em night and day; sights of watching and wearisome care she had, poor little creeter; but she took the best of care of 'em, and kep 'em kinder comforted up, and clean, and brought up Tom, the youngest boy, by hand, and thought her eyes on him. That wuz the year the old gentleman died; her mother had died 3 months prior and beforehand.

It wuz one of the houses, outside and inside, where more pains had been took with the porticos and ornaments than with the underpinnin'. It had a showy and kind of a shaky look. And I found that that extended to Cephas'ses business arrangements. Amongst the other ornaments of his buildin's wuz mortgages, quite a lot of'em, and of almost every variety.

"'You're dreaming, ses the skipper, 'there's nothing there. "They all said the same, even when the gal stepped on to the side and climbed on to the wharf. She came along towards me with 'er arms held close to 'er sides, and making the most 'orrible faces at me, and it took five of'em all their time to 'old me. The wharf and everything seemed to me to spin round and round.

I've give my Maker best scores an' scores o' times, as we all must; but truth caan't alter, an' having put thinking paarts into our heads, 't is more 'n God A'mighty's Self can do to keep us from usin' of'em." "A tremenjous thought," said Mr. Chapple. "So 't is.

He drank up his beer and went off 'ome, shaking his 'cad, and, arter three or four of'em 'ad explained to George Kettle wot he meant, George went off 'ome, too. The week afore Christmas, Smith, the landlord, said as 'ow he 'ad got enough money, and three days arter we all came up 'ere to see the prize drawn.