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I didn't know why, but somehow I had a faint hope they might understand some of it. I stayed on the bridge when the watch changed. I had some food sent up, and slept a few hours on the OD's bunk. Fine replaced Kramer on his watch when it rolled around. Apparently Kramer was out of circulation. At this point I did not feel inclined to pursue the point.

There was a metallic ring in the duke's voice as he spoke. "I have heard, Mr. Carvel, that you can ride any mount offered you." "Od's, and so he can!" cried Jack. "I'll take oath on that." "I will lay you an hundred guineas, my Lord," says his Grace, very off-hand, "that Mr. Carvel does not sit Baltimore's Pollux above twenty minutes." "Done!" says Jack, before I could draw breath.

"Ah," said he, greeting me with the cordiality which he could assume so well, "you are, if I mistake not, Sir Jasper Killigrew?" "Nay, your Majesty," I answered, "I am Sir Jacob Clancing, formerly of Snellaby Hall, in Staffordshire;" and with that I reminded him of Worcester fight and of many passages which had occurred to us in common. "Od's fish!" he cried, "how could I be so forgetful!

And then this dull cad swearing a mere unnecessary affectation of coarseness will disappear. And a very good job too. "There is a pretty department of the subject which I might call grace swearing. 'Od's fish, cried the king, when he saw the man climbing Salisbury spire; 'he shall have a patent for it no one else shall do it. One might call such little things Wardour Street curses.

Master Lionel nodded, nervously fingering the jewel in his ear, his eyes shifting from their consideration of the seaman's coarse, weather-tanned and hairy countenance. "I did," he said. "But Sir Oliver is headstrong. He will not stir." "Will he not?" The captain stroked his bushy red beard and cursed profusely and horribly after the fashion of the sea. "Od's wounds!

I warned him more than once for getting young horses into a fret, and I'm willing to lay a ten-pound note that he angered Pollux. 'Od's life! He is a vicious beast. So was his father, Culloden, before him. But here's luck to you, sir!" says Mr. Astley, tipping his glass; "having seen you ride, egad! I have put all the money I can afford in your favour."

What of the young one?" Mr. Rolfe pursed his lip. "Faith, there's no more amiss. But but why, he was hard hit, I grant you but you might take the young one for the old one. D'ye follow me? The lad hath no vigour in him." McBean nodded. "I'll be talking to him, by your leave." "Od's life, I would not talk long. I don't like it, Captain, and there's the truth. Go easy with him.

Marmaduke? The man said, with as near a grin as he ever got, that the marster was gone to Mrs. Cornelys's assembly. As I turned away, sick at heart, the physician, in his tie-wig and scarlet cloak, came out, and I stopped him. He was a testy man, and struck the stone an impatient blow with his staff. "'Od's life, sir. I am besieged day and night by you young gentlemen.

And then Rochester said, looking roguishly towards me, the wittiest thing against Sedley that ever I heard; it was the most celebrated /bon mot/ at court for three weeks; he said no, boy, od's fish, it was so stinging I can't tell it thee; faith, I can't. Poor Sid; he was a good fellow, though malicious, and he's dead now. I'm sorry I said a word about it. Nay, never look so disappointed, boy.

"I mind the thing weel," said King James "Od's death, man, I was just out of the clutches of the Master of Glamis and his complices, and there was never siller mair welcome to a born prince, the mair the shame and pity that crowned king should need sic a petty sum. But what need he dun us for it, man, like a baxter at the breaking?