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'Now, I'll tell you what I want, Noddy, said Mrs Boffin, smoothing her dress with an air of immense enjoyment, 'I want Society. 'Fashionable Society, my dear? 'Yes! cried Mrs Boffin, laughing with the glee of a child. 'Yes! It's no good my being kept here like Wax-Work; is it now? 'But it don't answer, said the cheerful Mrs Boffin. 'When we worked like the neighbours, we suited one another.

You find in Germany ardent admirers of Shakespeare, who tell you that what they think most admirable in him is his Wortspiel, his verbal quibbles; and one of these, a man of no slight culture and refinement, once cited to a friend of ours Proteus’s joke inThe Two Gentlemen of Verona”—“Nod I? why that’s Noddy,” as a transcendant specimen of Shakespearian wit.

But how is Noddy?" replied Mrs. Brewster, coming to the kitchen door, holding a square envelope in her hand. "Dear little Noddy she is all right now, Maw, but it looked mighty bad a bit of time back. I just had to pray and pray with all my might, Maw you know how!" sighed Polly, taking the refined-looking letter from her mother without seeing it.

Their entrance into Gretz was heralded and accompanied by a most furious barking; all the dogs in the village seemed to smell the treasure in the noddy. But there was no one in the street, save three lounging landscape painters at Tentaillon's door.

It was Sandy's voice who spoke and Sandy's were the arms that lifted the children gently into the enormous sack held open by Noddy and Blink, and placed them at the top of the toboggan-slide but they were feeling too curiously tired and sleepy to understand exactly what was happening.

"They may come in handy at the finish." "That's what I put them there for," answered Jerry. For another mile there was little change in the relative position of the cars of Noddy and the motor boys. Jerry thought he had cut the bully's lead somewhat, but he still felt that he was far from having a good chance to win the race. Still, he was not going to give up.

So Mr. Brewster started for the house and Polly settled herself in a more comfortable position while crooning to little Noddy. As she sat holding the little burro's head, her thoughts wandered back to the time when Noddy was but three days old. The mother had died and left the tiny bundle of brown wool to be brought up on a nursing bottle.

But as yet, no floating bough, no tern, noddy, nor reef-bird, to denote our proximity to land. In that long calm, whither might not the currents have swept us?

Poole's "2d." box; but he was dragged away by the agitated hand of Miss Jones, having to console himself finally with a wink from the august policeman, who, known throughout Polchester as Tom Noddy, was a kindly soul and liked gentlemanly little boys, but persecuted the street sort.

Consequent upon this, Mr. Hopkins, we were told, replied, that, "on the whole, he rather preferred Mr. Noddy to his own mother" the word standing, of course, as "brother" in the original. Another gag, of which there is no sign in the marked copy, those who attended any later delivery of this Reading will well remember he was fond of introducing. This was immediately after Mrs. Saw-yer! Mr.