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"Captain, sure ye needn't trouble yerself anyhow; we'll take yer honor that he don't run away, and if he does ye'll stand the odds at the sheriff's. Sure a case would niver pass Mr. Grimshaw s observation; but to plase ye, and considerin' the wreck, meself and Dusenberry 'll put him up without," said Dunn.

"Well, well, thee canstna say but what I knowed how to make a choice when I married thee," said Mr. Poyser, who usually settled little conjugal disputes by a compliment of this sort; "and thee wast twice as buxom as Dinah ten year ago." "I niver said as a woman had need to be ugly to make a good missis of a house.

Didn't I be tellin' you, Pat, that I knew there was them in this town would help me that way? But what makes you all look so glum? Didn't you foind the school foine the day? Niver moind! You ain't acquainted yet. And jist remember that iverybody has a deal to bear in this world, and the poor most of all. If anybody does you a rale wrong, come tell me of it.

Anyhow, a'm master, and that she knows. But may-be, for t' sake o' peace an' quietness tho' she's niver a scolding tongue, that a will say for her we'n best keep this matter to ourselves till thou comes int' port again. T' lass upstairs 'll like nought better than t' curl hersel' round a secret, and purr o'er it, just as t' oud cat does o'er her blind kitten.

Thin do you sing out for justice, because when people sings out for justice everybody's bound to hearken, and say how as you wants a warrant agin him for bigamy, and show them the marriage lines. Don't you be put down, and don't you spare him. If you don't startle him you'll niver get northing out of him." "Spare him," she snarled; "not I. I'll have his blood.

One Pat Devlin, a great-hearted Irishman, who had shared my confidence and some of my doughnuts on the curb at luncheon time, I remember best of all. 'Ye'll niver fergit the toime we wurruked together under Boss McCormick, said he. And to this day, whenever I meet the good man, now bent and grey, he says always, 'Good-day if ye, Mr Brower.

Can you not let the Arrmy rest? 'Tis not good for Terence." I took refuge by Mulvaney, for Dinah Shadd has a temper of her own. "Let be let be," said Mulvaney, "'Tis only wanst in a way I can talk about the ould days." Then to me: "Ye say Dhrumshticks is well, an' his lady tu? I niver knew how I liked the grey garron till I was shut av him an' Asia."

"But Bob," said Maggie, looking serious, "that's cheating; I don't like to hear you say that." "Don't you, Miss?" said Bob regretfully. "Then I'm sorry I said it. But I'm so used to talking to Mumps, an' he doesn't mind a bit o' cheating, when it's them skinflint women, as haggle an' haggle, an' 'ud like to get their flannel for nothing, an' 'ud niver ask theirselves how I got my dinner out on't.

Then raising her voice as though to attract the attention of some one within the house, she shouted, in satirical language, "It's little me husband cares about me, or he'd niver stand by and see me treated thus, and I niver making the least complaint in the world. It's mighty fine husbands there is in the world now, and it's little use they are to us fable females."

"And sure the good God wouldn't be after takin' him from us, for didn't his riverence there put up a prayer that would melt the heart of the angels, and I did promise God meself a rale fast, with niver an egg nor a bit of a fish to my teeth, if he should lave him wid us. And Carroll, darlin', ye'll not be after breakin' ye're wife's heart, nor makin' her a widow?