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Cephyse, kneeling over the chafing-dish, with her face close to the black charcoal, above which already played a little bluish flame, exerted herself to blow the newly-kindled fire, which was reflected on the pale countenance of the unhappy girl. The silence was deep.

He rolled upon the stone again and began rubbing the rope that bound him against the sharp edge. Outside he could hear the crackling of fagots and the roar of a newly-kindled fire, so he knew he had no time to spare. He wriggled and pushed his body right and left, right and left, sawing away at the rope, until the strain and exertion started the perspiration from every pore.

The light was cold and ashen within the prison walls, and as he followed the sergeant into the cell, he could not help but think of Kate as he had first known her, so bright, so merry, so full of life and gaiety. He found her now doubled up on a settle by a newly-kindled fire in the sergeant's own apartment.

On the morning set for my departure I woke to find a letter pinned to the ground beside me with an Indian scalping-knife thrust through it. Dick was sitting by the newly-kindled fire, nursing his knees and most palpably waiting for me to wake and find my missive. "What is it?" I asked, eying the ominous thing distrustfully. "'Tis a letter, as you see. Uncanoola left it."

It was a thick oblong locket of dead gold, plain and massive; the handsomest of its kind that a Southampton jeweller could supply. Rorie opened it eagerly, to look at the portrait. There was just light enough from the newly-kindled vestibule lamp to show it to him. "Why it's a dog," cried Rorie, with deep-toned disgust. "It's old Argus." "Who did you think it was?" "You, of course."

The pungent smoke from the newly-kindled wood piles came quite refreshingly to the nostrils. "We have had a most fortunate year in London," said Master Jeffreys. "No case of plague, and very few of fever. The aldermen of the wards were for stopping these fires a week ago, but the bishop resolved to keep them going within his boundaries until October set in.

Some of these charred sticks are thereupon burned at home in a newly-kindled fire, with a prayer that God will preserve the homestead from fire, lightning, and hail. Thus every house receives "new fire."

The ordinary courts fell into insignificance beside those summoned by the king's judges, thronged as they were with the crowd of rich and poor, trembling at the penalty of a ruinous fine for non-attendance or full of a newly-kindled hope of justice. Important cases were more and more withdrawn from the sheriffs and given to the justices.

Won't ye step into the bar, sir, and give your order? I'll let ye know as soon as 'tis ready. Christopher turned into a room smelling strongly of the night before, and stood by the newly-kindled fire to wait. He had just come in haste from Melchester.

Or it might be that he would be carrying down the child and handing him over the rails there into the outspread arms of Rose Dempsey. She would be reaching out for the child with the newly-kindled light of motherhood in her eyes, the passion of a young mother in her welcoming voice.