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"How long ago was this?" asked Yeager. "About an hour since we first saw him. Beats all how he ever made his getaway. We were right after him when he gave us the slip." "Oh, he gave you the slip, did he?" "Dropped into some hole and pulled it in after him. These hills are built for hide and seek, looks like." "Notice the color of his horse?" "It was a roan, Jim. Something like that nester's."

She went back into the cabin and sat beside Hagar, a queer sensation of joy possessing her, despite her pity for Hagar and her disgust for Masten, for she knew in this instant that she would never allow Randerson to quit the Flying W. Her joy was infectious; it brought a fugitive smile to the face of the nester's daughter, and as Ruth led her out upon the porch, her arms around her, Hagar looked at her worshipfully.

"That's all right," he said; "I've got more than that coming from you. I'm telling you about what he done to me if you ain't got any objections to me getting off my horse." "Tell me from where you are." In spite of the coldness in the nester's voice there was interest in his eyes. "Mebbe you an' him have had a fallin' out, but I ain't takin' any chances on you bein' my friend not a durned chance."

With a secret satisfaction he had watched Langford's face this morning when he had told him that Doubler had long been suspected of rustling; that the men of the Double R had never been able to catch him in the act, but that the number of cattle missing had seemed to indicate the nester's guilt. Doubler's land was especially desirable, he had told Langford, and this was the truth.

She had done all she could, however, to prevent them killing Doubler all she could do except to warn Doubler of his danger, and she would go to him immediately. Without looking again at Dakota she turned, dry eyed and pale, urging her pony up the trail toward the nester's cabin, leaving Dakota sitting silent in his saddle, watching her.

No, Allie's face at this moment was alight with supreme joy and satisfaction; she appeared to be quite as happily at her ease as Ma, who was singing steadily in a thin, rusty voice. I am a guest and I demand entertainment." He observed with silent approval her carriage as she entered the room and accepted the chair he offered her. Faint trace of the nester's daughter here.

"Interesting if true." Keller's gaze passed derisively over him and dismissed the man. "And I hope when I come I'll meet Mr. Keller first." The nester's attention was focused indolently upon the hills. He seemed to have forgotten that the cattleman was in Arizona. Healy ripped out a sudden oath, drove the spurs in, and went down the trail with his broncho on the buck.

So this was the meaning of it all? the twenty-five mile walk to Cal Smith's house; the singular conduct of the men at the T Up and Down; the nester's lending him that jack Felix, that he knew would run home and leave Whitey alone on the plains; and Walt Lampson's sending him out on the range, in the face of a storm.

While attending to Doubler's bandages, Sheila repeated the conversation she had had with Allen concerning the situation in which he had left Dakota, and instantly the nester's anxiety for his friend took precedence over any thoughts for his own immediate welfare. "There'll be trouble sure, now that Allen's left there," he said. "Dakota won't be a heap easy with them deputies."

She intended to return to the nester's cabin, to help the doctor make him comfortable for he had been the only person in the country who had shown her any kindness; he was the only one who had not wronged her, and she was grateful to him. Langford was standing over her again, his breath coming short and fast. "Where did you see Dakota?" he questioned hoarsely.